Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

a/n: hey guys I finished my exams early so I'm writing again yay!

The hot water of the shower ran down my back and I closed my eyes. This week had been very eventful, although there was a lot I wished didn't happen I think it went pretty well for my first week here. I was closer with the group and a lot closer with Aren but the rest of my classmates seemed to keep their distance. I still can't figure out why Saiki is immune to my mind reading, he isn't stupid like Nendo so it can't be that. What if he's like me? A psychic and that's why he's never phased by anything. No, it can't be there aren't any other physics.

I turned the water off and got out of the shower, quickly changing into some casual jeans and a hoodie. When I got downstairs Aren was washing the dishes so I offered to do it instead. I put the last dish away and washed my hands.

"Hey I'd love to stay but my parents are coming home early so I have to go."

"Yeah that's fine I'll see you at school tomorrow." I heard the door close and went to sit down. He couldn't possibly be physic unless... that would explain so much. I need to confront him about it.

My hand lingered over the doorbell for a moment but I finally pushed it. My hands were fidgeting and I was nervous.

"Hello, are you one of Ku's friends?" It was his mom. I nodded and she dragged me inside and pointed to his room. I knocked on the door and heard shuffling from inside. He opened the door and rolled his eyes.

"Alright if I'm right about this then that's great but if I'm wrong I'll sound insane. Hear me out, do you have physic abilities?" His eyes widened at the mention of powers and he eventually nodded.

"How did you know?"

"Well, I can't read your mind an-"

"So you can read minds too, what other abilities do you have?"

"Lots of others but that's not important right now. What is important is there are others with powers."

"I take it you know of the others in the school?"

"No, there are more people like us at school?"

"Not exactly like us but Toritsuka is a spirit medium and Mikoto can tell fortunes."

"Wait Toritsuka? That creepy bitch?" I refused to believe that out of all the people at our school HE had powers.

We continued to talk for another twenty minutes or so but I could see I wasn't wanted there so I left. I opened up the door to my house, it was nearly always empty now. My mother's new job was a 3 hour trip from our house so she stayed in a hotel for the majority of the week. My father left when I was six, as a child I could never control my powers and that was a lot for him to take until one day he couldn't. I have firm control over my powers nowadays but whenever I feel extreme emotion(usually anger) I occasionally lose control again. That hasn't happened in years seeing as I keep my feelings under wraps, it makes me seem apathetic but if that's the price I pay for not hurting people then so be it.

I sat on the couch and took a deep breath. This week has been amazing but as much as I want to continue to build whatever Aren and I have I can't. Any extreme emotion, even love or happiness could trigger an unpredictable use of my powers, anything from an explosion to mass mind control to pyrokinesis. I simply can't risk the safety of others for my own selfish desires. Ten years ago I made a vow to never use my powers to harm innocent lives or for my own benefit and doing that would break both of those rules. I'm sorry Aren but for your and everyone else's safety, I need to distance myself from you.

I tore the covers off myself and dragged my feet to the floor. The sunlight warmed my face as I picked up my clothes for today. The warm water of the shower felt refreshing after my nearly restless night, after coming to such a harsh decision I struggled to sleep. My uniform felt tighter than normal but I knew it only felt that way because of stress. Eating when I was stressed was hard for me but with a full day of school ahead I had to eat so I grabbed an apple. The walk to school was filled with dread as I realized what distancing myself from everyone, especially Aren, truly meant doing. I arrived and changed my shoes while managing to avoid my friends, I can't call them that anymore, they aren't my friends, I've only known them for a few days. Unfortunately, we all go to the same class, which makes avoiding them even harder. Because our seats were assigned nobody could move but I got lucky in that aspect because I was in the back basically alone (I had Saiki next to me).

"Good morning class!" The school had officially started, no avoiding them now.

Throughout my first class, I knew Aren was staring at me but I didn't look back. I walked fast in the halls and stuck to the walls. I kept to myself, just like the old days, just like my entire childhood. If you could even call it that, I grew up fast, I had to. Mother couldn't raise a child alone on a minimum wage, let alone one with uncontrollable powers. The vow I made was made after one of my incidents, I burned a man's hand to a crisp. To be fair, I'm pretty sure he was trying to kidnap me but the legal fees were endless and my poor parents couldn't pay them, not to mention the government put me on some kind of list. My father left a few nights after that and my mother dropped out of college to work and care for me. It was just me and her for two years after that but then she got a boyfriend. He despised me, he claimed I got in the way of their relationship, so I hurt him. I was an eight-year-old with mental issues, he pushed me past the breaking point and I lashed out. How did he phrase it? Oh yeah," violence and resentment that rivaled the pits of hell with a blaze that matched in temperature" Fancy way of saying I burnt half his face off and sent him into an eight-hour surgery. Pyrokinesis had always been where my restraint faltered and when it wasn't under control it erupted. That's why I'm always calm because if I'm not, I hurt people.

"Hey! Y/n are you alright?" It was Aren. I pushed past him, remembering to show no emotion. I could hear him calling my name from behind me but I kept a straight face and kept walking. He finally stopped walking after me, I struggled to not look back. 

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