Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I got up late, so I rushed to grab food and get ready. I was about five minutes late and opened the classroom door to have everyone stare at me. I sat down and everyone was still glaring at me for some reason. The next few classes passed quickly but people had been avoiding me throughout the day and I still don't know why. I decided to read people's minds to try and figure out why.

Eww there's that perv

I heard he snuck into an all-girls' school

So that's what's happening, they think I'm a pervert because that tortilla bitch spread rumours about me. I'll have to quell the rumours a bit, I could use mind control but I need to be careful when using my powers on an entire school. I'll make everyone believe he was lying, it might not turn out so good for him but that's what he gets for spreading rumours.

It was all rumours, Toritsuka was lying

That should be enough for now, I don't want to overdo it. I grabbed my lunch and walked into the cafeteria to see quite the sight. Kuboyasu was holding Toritsuka by the collar and yelling at him to not spread rumours about something so serious. I guess the mind control worked but I shouldn't let him get beat up.

"Dude that's enough, set him down!" He dropped him and hung his head in what I'm assuming was a shame.

"Rumours aren't a good enough reason to beat someone up and besides I can deal with my own problems."

The rest of lunch was awkward between us but the others' conversations kept me entertained. I got out of school as fast as I could after class was done. If I was early enough I can avoid an awkward walk home but of course, I wasn't.

"Wanna come to get ramen with us, buddy?" Nendo asked as I stepped out of the locker area. I'm bad at saying no so I said yes.

A/N: Y/n will get ramen with the gang next chapter because I'm lazy. The 'romance' bit will come eventually.

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