Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

a/n: I'm trying to be more descriptive in this chapter but tell me if it's too much. -Wes

I had a group presentation today and my group is full of idiots so I wasn't looking forward to it but I still dragged myself out of bed. I hopped in the shower and sat in there for a good 10 minutes before getting dressed and grabbing a slice of toast. I knew my way to school by now so I didn't have to worry about getting lost but my group wanted to practice our presentation a few more times so I had to get there early. I scooped my bag up and locked the door behind me. The walk to school was uneventful today so I made it there quite fast. While I was changing my shoes my classmate Teruhashi came up to me.

"Are you ready to present because the rest of the group is late."

Now don't I find Teruhashi very annoying but I want to get a good grade on this project so I'll cooperate.

"Yeah, I'll meet you in the classroom in a bit." She walked away to go bother someone else and I rooted through my bag to find the flashcards for my presentation. I kept walking towards my classroom while rereading my flashcards when I tripped on air. The flashcards flew everywhere and I realized I was gonna be late.

"Here let me help you pick these up." Kuboyasu said from behind me. I can't believe he saw me trip on nothing like an idiot. After we had picked them all up he handed me the pile of cards and we touched hands for a second. My cheeks were flushed and I could feel my heartbeat grow faster. I better go before I start stuttering like an idiot.

"Hey l/n yesterday was pretty fun, we should do that again sometime!"

"Yeah, that ramen was really good."

It was only when I got to the classroom that I realized he meant to hang out at my house not getting ramen with our friends. I may be a psychic but I can be very dumb sometimes. I didn't realize I was zoned out until my classmate Takahashi snapped his fingers in front of my face. If there's anyone I dislike more than Teruhashi it's Takahashi, he's an idiot and he looks like a dried-up sea cucumber. Our group practiced our presentation multiple times until the class finally started. After two other groups it was our turn, the other two in my group went first, and then it was my turn. (a/n: I'm not gonna write dialogue for this bc I don't know what the presentation is about and I'm lazy) It went flawlessly and I didn't stutter once and we ended up getting full marks.

It was finally lunchtime and I sat at my usual table with Kaido, Nendo, Saiki, and Kuboyasu. I had pork cutlet and rice for lunch today. Eating took up all my focus until I realized they were asking me something.

"So l/n are you interested in anyone at school?" now obviously I'm not gonna tell Kuboyasu I have a crush on him so I lied.

"Not really, I mean I've only been here a few days." My cheeks were pink but my voice was steady.

"Really? Your cheeks say otherwise," Kuboyasu said. 😳😳😳😳 I was not expecting that.

"W-what? No!" Wow great coverup me🙄

"Haha, l/n has a crush!" Great, now Nendo is laughing at me.

"Well, what about you Kaido do you like anyone?"

"Hey don't change the subject! Tell us who you like."

Then it was time for class, I was saved by the bell literally. I slumped down into my seat and got ready to sit there for another few hours. Writing down whatever the teacher put on the board and occasionally looking around the room. My eyes met Kuboyasu's again this time I stared for a whole minute then I heard the teacher call my name.

"Well, l/n do you have an answer?" Being physic had its benefits, a simple mind read and I had the answer.

"Is it C ma'am?"

"That's correct."

I dodged a bullet there and it would've been embarrassing if I got that wrong. The rest of class sped by and the next thing I knew I was changing into my outside shoes. I walked home with my friends, as usual, it wasn't as awkward as I expected and I had a lot of fun.

A/n: Well that's all for this chapter I might post another chapter tonight but we'll see 🐸👋

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