Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Reader's pov:

My name is f/n l/n, I'm transferring to PK Academy because I just moved to Japan from America. I'm just your normal high schooler except that I have psychic powers and a bad history with the law. Today is my first day, I hope to make a good impression on everyone because I'll need friends if I'm living here for a while.

I guess I should head off to school now. I don't wanna be late on my first day

The school is only a five-minute walk from my house so I should have plenty of time but it's best to start walking there early in case I get lost. I picked up my bag and walked out the door to see a kid in the same uniform as me. I assumed he was part of the school and decided to try and talk to him. I'm not very good at interacting with people but with the power of mind-reading on my side nothing could go wrong.


"Hey um do you go to PK Academy? I'm a new transfer and don't really know where it is." I asked, trying not to acknowledge the fact that I can't read his mind.

He nodded and signaled for me to follow him. I zoned out on the walk there and before I knew it we were standing in front of a huge school building. After putting my stuff in my locker I went to stand outside my classroom until the teacher called me in to introduce myself.

"My name's F/n L/n, I'm from America, I like music, skateboarding, and food," I said as I wrote my name on the board.

I saw the kid from earlier who I found out was named Saiki but besides that most of the guys looked uninterested, they were all staring at some blue-haired girl. I sat down next to a kid with glasses and purple hair and then we had to do maths.

After more classes, I went to lunch and was practically dragged over to a table by this blue-haired boy named Kaido. There were five others at the table and they started introducing themselves.

"I'm Hario, our class representative. I look forward to making lots of fun memories with you and the rest of the class!" He said everything so energetically and stuck out his hand for me to shake. I took it of course and the others started introducing themselves as well. We were finally at the final introduction.

" My name is Aren Kuboyasu. It's a pleasure to meet you." His handshake was more firm than I expected but I finally got to sit down and eat. I almost got to eat but then a crowd started forming around the front of the cafeteria and I went over to see what the buzz was about. In the middle of the crowd was the blue-haired girl from earlier, she noticed me and started to walk towards me. I hate interacting with people but I was stuck in the crowd so I had no choice.

"Hi, you must be the new transfer student. My name is Kokomi Teruhashi, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you don't forget me." I shook her hand and decided to read her mind as well.

Of course, he won't forget me I probably made his entire day just by talking to him

Nope, I am not dealing with this kind of bitch today, I thought and turned to go back and eat.

What!!?? No gasp he just walked away, I know he was so surprised that he was speechless, that's why he didn't gasp!

Keep telling yourself that and you'll believe it, I thought as I ate my food in peace. After all my classes were done I started walking back to my locker when I bumped into someone.

"I guess you're the new student everyone's talking about, I'm Reita Toritsuka." How did I bump into him? I should've predicted it. My mind was racing at the moment when he asked me something.

"Say were there any cute girls at your old school because I'd love to meet some, this place has plenty but none of them like me for some reason."

"Yeah, I actually went to an all-girls' scho- PRETEND I DIDN'T, SAY THAT!" I shouted as I bolted down the hallway. I need to be more careful with what I say, in case you haven't realized yet I'm transgender so I used to be a girl hence why I was sent to an all-girls' school. Well, I guess I should go home now.

"Hey, buddy wanna walk home with us?" I heard Nendo ask from behind me, I guess I should.

"Yeah sure lemme grab my shi- I mean stuff." I can't curse on school grounds, this isn't an American public school for god's sake. As we walked Nendo and the group talked and I just sort of zoned out when I walked right into Kuboyasu and fell over. I'm an idiot whenever I turn my mind reading off I get clumsy because I don't know what everyone's gonna do.

"Sorry dude," He said, reaching out a hand to help me up.

"My bad I shoulda watched where I was going." I turned my attention to why Nendo had stopped so suddenly, a snake in the middle of the road. You know what fuck it. I walked up and picked that bitch ass snake right off the ground and turned my mind reading on.

This is it the humans are gonna eat me, maybe if I play dead they'll leave me alone

"Hey! L/n what are you doing, put that thing down before it bites you!" Kaido shouted

Poor guy just wanted to cross the road, I walked over to the grass on the other side of the road and set him down. He slithers off into the trees, never to be seen again.

"Wow" was the response from all of them. As we walked I explained to them that snakes are misunderstood and are more scared of you than you'd think. I was finally home, I collapsed on my bed and turned my mind reading off so I could sleep in peace.

Aren Kuboyasu x Male Reader :)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt