Chapter 12

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4 pm rolled around the corner and y/n began making his way up the stairs. He dreaded every step but continued to march forward. Cutting Aren off wasn't going to be as easy as he thought it would, he's never felt a genuine attraction to someone before. He lingered in front of the final step, hand hovering just above the door handle. But he remembered why he was doing this, he wasn't going to hurt anyone else.

The wind gushed out as he forced the door open. Aren was leaning against a wall pulling his jacket around him tighter.

"Can we do this somewhere else it's windy as fuck!" Y/n had to shout to be heard over the howling wind.

"Here is fine, the sooner the better anyways!" Aren took a step towards him and closed the door.

"Okay well, hurry up and say what you wanted to say before I leave." He sat down and leaned against the door, Aren soon joining him.

"You know what I asked you up here for. Why are you ignoring me? Is it because of what happened over the weekend? Did I do somet-"

"You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just an idiot. I shouldn't have gotten so wrapped up with you in the first place. I'm sorry, I guess." Y/n clenched his fist at his own stupidity.

"That doesn't explain why, why can't you be with me? Is it something about your past because I did things to-"

"Stop. Just stop. What part of this don't you understand? I'm not gonna say some cheesy bullshit and break down crying. I'm not gonna reveal some shocking shit about my past and then just kiss you. This isn't a movie, this is real life!" Y/n stood up and reached for the door handle. "Fuck off and don't talk to me again." He twisted the doorknob but it didn't open. "fuck" He kicked the door but nothing budged. "FUCK! Why now!"

"Calm down and move over." Aren struggled with the door before realizing they were both locked out on the roof.

After the reality of the situation sunk in on both of them y/n looked pissed, of course, he could always use his telekinesis to open the door but with Aren here he couldn't risk it. So he had to find a way to get them off the roof without his powers.

"Relax I'll call someone to unlock the door" Aren reached for his bag to find his phone but after a few minutes of ruffling through things he turned to y/n with a grim expression.

"I think I left it at home" He sat down and sighed.

"I'm not waiting till morning." There was a moment of silence between the two before Aren grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry, even if I didn't do anything. I want you to know that you can open up to me. You can tell me what's wrong, it's okay." Y/n stood there for a minute but hugged him back.

"It's not safe for me to feel extreme emotion because of my powers," Y/n said simply.

"What do you mean powers?" He separated from the hug.

"This" Y/n's fist was swallowed in flames and he pointed at the door, making it fling open.

"Holy shit!" Y/n smiled but he knew what he had to do.

The walk home was cold and bitter but y/n was reassured knowing that he wouldn't cause trouble for Aren and the others anymore. He would pack his stuff and inform his mother about the incident and she would do the usual. This wasn't the first time it had happened of course, but y/n's powers made it easy to cover up. He would move and transfer schools again and his mother would stay at her job and come home occasionally. Y/n had wiped Aren's memories of the roof incident and was moving again. Aren wasn't his first friend but it was the first time he felt a genuine attraction to someone. However, his powers come at a cost and this is that cost. He wasn't sad because it was for the greater good but still sometimes he wished he didn't have his powers.

Sorry for the shit ending but I'm tired of writing this crap and I feel like I needed to wrap things up. I lost interest in the show which made it hard to write but I'll write more stories. :\

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