Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"Fucking knock for Christ's sake!" Kuyobasu threw a pillow at Kaido and he ran out.

"We're gonna have to deal with him." I started reluctantly, he nodded and threw me my shirt. I reached out to find Kaido with my mind reading.

No no no no no no no no no! What did I just see?!? Why didn't I knock? I could've gone my whole life without seeing that. I need to tell Nendo.

I can't let that happen, if Nendo finds out the whole school will neither of them are good at keeping secrets. I pulled my shirt over my head and grabbed my shoe to chase after him. I used my powers to track him down before he could get to Nendo's house. Luckily for me, Kaido's terrible at running.

"Kaido! Kaido wait!" He turned around and looked at me.

"Listen please for the love of God don't tell anyone."

"Please if the rest of the school fine out then-"

"I won't tell anyone, I know how much a rumor like this can ruin lives. You guys are my friends, I want you to trust me but Nendo is my best friend, I tell him everything."

"I know but that idiot will tell the whole school"

"He's a good friend if something is important to you guys he'll keep it secret"

"If you're sure about it then you can tell him but just don't tell anyone else." He nodded and I let him run off towards Nendo's house. I walked back to my house slowly, thinking about everything that had just happened in the span of only 4 hours. I kissed Kuboyasu, we almost.... Yeah, and poor Kaido had to see that. My door was still unlocked and Kuboyasu was sitting on the couch, he looked worried.

"Hey, I talked to him."

"And what did he say?" he looked a little less worried.

"He promised not to tell anyone except Nendo."

"That idiot will tell everyone!"

"Kaido was sincere when he promised he and Nendo wouldn't tell." He still looked worried so I placed my hand on his to reassure him. That seemed to calm him down and I instinctively pulled him into a hug. We stayed like that for a while. I held him tight in my arms and was starting to fall asleep when I heard him sniffling. I cupped his cheek in my hand and asked him what's wrong.

"If my parents find out....I don't know what they'll do." I wiped his tears and hugged him tighter.

"It's gonna be alright, they won't find out, and if you'd like we can tell them together."

I rubbed his back gently until I felt his breathing calm and then I knew I could fall asleep too.

The smell of eggs and bacon wafted through the house. I woke up on the couch wrapped up in a blanket. I sat up and my messy hair fell onto my face.

"You're finally awake." I jumped at the sudden noise, forgetting Kuboyasu had stayed over.

"Y-yeah Kuboyasu."

"Just call me Aren, we're close enough at this point."

"Okay you can call me y/n then." he walked over with two plates of food and handed one to me.

"We're going to have to talk to them tomorrow, that'll be fun." My sarcasm was showing again.

"I'm not exactly looking forward to it but yeah." I leaned my head against him and he wrapped his arm around me. After breakfast, I went upstairs to shower and change.

a/n: it's 230 am I'm going to sleep.

Aren Kuboyasu x Male Reader :)Where stories live. Discover now