Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I opened the door in my pajamas and with messy hair.

"Hey you left your jacket at the ramen place and Saiki told me you lived next to him" It was Kuboyasu and of course I was in my pajamas. I was red as a tomato and took my jacket as fast as I could and slammed the door. Dammit, I shouldn't have been so rude, all he did was return my jacket. I opened the door back up.

"Jesus I'm sorry-"

"It's fine L/n-"

"Would you wanna come in and I don't know hangout?" I blurted out without thinking.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun actually."

What did I just do? I opened the door all the way to reveal my frog pants and hoodie. (Yes we wear Froggie PJs, what about it🙄) He laughed and I started blushing like mad. I showed him my room and we decided to watch tv. We sat down on my small couch and turned on some random show. After about an hour, I started to get hungry.

"Hey are you hungry, I can cook some food if you want?" I usually keep my mind reading but I turned it off to relax and it sort of ruins the experience by being able to read minds.

"Sounds good I can help cook if you want!" I never knew Kubuyasu could cook.

"Y-y-yeah that would be great." Why am I so embarrassed I'm even stuttering? I feel like a mess. We went down into the kitchen and started cooking some snacks. Kuboyasu was actually a great chief, better than me, and ended up doing most of the cooking while I, well I stared at him. He turned around and we locked eyes, it felt like minutes but in reality, was a few seconds.

"The food's burning!" I looked behind him to see a smoking pan. He scooped it off the pan onto a plate and we finally got to eat. After we ate he ended up having to go home so I said goodbye and went back upstairs. I never thought I'd have a crush on someone like Kuboyasu but then again it's better than some of my past choices. I don't know if I'll be able to go back to acting normal around him. Although I'm a psychic and everything I have a lot of trouble expressing my emotions so everything will be awkward till I get over my crush. Well, I can't just not show up to school and I can't avoid them for that long so I'll just have to deal with the awkwardness. 

a/n: sorry if the next few chapters are short I'm writing this at 2 am on a school night and I don't have much freetime.

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