Your sick...

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Sherlock: Whenever you're sick Sherlock will make sure to give you medicine on time, and he'll try to make sure that you stay in bed all day, because you lived with him for so long you also have the habit of getting bored easily. He would then play his violin and make sure you get enough sleep. If you have a fever then he would panic and call over John to make sure that you will be fine.

John: When you're sick, you act as if you're fine, you would get up normally and he won't even realize that you're sick until either Sherlock tells him or you start coughing violently. Once he realizes he would sit you down and bring you some hot tea and medicine. He would make sure that you finish all the tea, and would make sure that you are bundled up on the couch with Mrs. Hudson to keep you company while he goes out.

Jim: Unlike Jim you are not that much of an attention seeker but you still want cuddles. He would bring you breakfast in bed, and make sure that you take your medicines at the correct times everyday. You would convince him to stay in bed and the both of you would go on a laptop and binge shows. He would try to go out and kill people but know that he was the one who gave you the sickness from being a clingy boi.

AN: Anyone ever just randomly get ideas for preferences and then forget them all.

QOTD: If you had a superpower what would it be?

AOTD: Telepathy all the way!!!

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