You get kidnapped...

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Read the previous chapter, it'll probably be funnier!!!

Sherlock: It was a bright sunny day outside, so you decided to go for a walk. Sherlock was out on a case with John and Mrs. Hudson couldn't go with you because her hip wasn't feeling too well. You went to the park when a lady came along with an empty leash and asked if you could help find her dog, feeling sorry for the lady you decided to help and heard a dog barking from the alleyway. When you turned to go in, you suddenly felt a chloroform rag press up against your nose and you fainted


When you finally woke up, you were tied onto a chair in a warehouse and in front of you was the one person Sherlock absolutely despised, Jim Moriarty. You unfortunately had the pleasure of being his sister/brother, so you already knew he wouldn't hurt you.

"Finally, I was starting to get  bored of you just sleeping, it's been so long since we just had a conversation, just the two of us." Jim said. "Aren't you going to say anything, maybe start screaming for Sherlock, which by the way I still don't understand why you're dating him." He frowned. "By the way, I haven't killed him yet because we aren't done playing our game."

"So, I can date him if I wanted too, he's an amazing person, plus you won't be able too. Sherlocks too smart to be killed, also where's Sebastian, it's been so long since I saw him." You said as mentally pleading for Sherlock to save you quickly before you get annoyed with your older brother.

"Oh he should be getting back, he's just on business."

Hint-**The man that got murdered was killed by Moran** 

John: You were going with John to get groceries from the store, when suddenly a rag was placed in front of both of your faces. John started to struggle but soon enough, the both of you fainted and were brought to a car. When you awoke, you found yourself sitting next to John with your arms tied together and bombs strapped onto each other. Then suddenly a man appeared in front of you. He looked familiar when it struck you, he was your sisters/brothers boyfriend. 

"Jim," you ask questioningly. 

"You got it," He said mockingly at the both of you. John and you looked at each other and raised eyebrows.

"What's the meaning of this?" John asked. Jim then spun around once giggling and randomly just glared. 

"Well the game must go on, but only if Sherlock can save the both of you. John Watson and his little partner (Y/N)."

Mentally you started praying that Sherlock would come and save the both of you. Just wait until Molly realizes that her boyfriend is a consulting criminal that Sherlock hates!

Jim: It was Jim's birthday and you were going to get a present for him from the mall that day early in the morning when someone came behind you and knocked you out and put a black bag over your head, unfortunately for you it was Sunday, so the next day you had to go teach at school so hopefully Jim would find you by then. You felt yourself being carried into a car and being placed into it. A few hours later you awoke and the bag was ripped off your head to see a man pacing back and forth while the other was sitting on a chair. The men turned and Sherlock gasped in shock. You looked down to see that your hands were tied and you saw that the two men were Sherlock and John. 

"You're dating Jim!!" He yelled.

"Well yes also really brother, you had to kidnap me, now would you please untie me." You said looking at Sherlock. He looked at you untied your hands and glared. 

"Well I'm not the one that's dating my brothers enemy." He shot back. You rolled your eyes and John looked at the both of you in surprise. 

"You-you're siblings! Why did I not know of thing!" He exclaimed. The both of you then glanced at John.

"I'm adopted, catch up John." You say. "Anyways, Jim's gonna save me, and I'll just go back to his house." Sherlock glared. 

"I really don't understand what you see in that guy. He's a psychopath! I will not allow you to date him, and Mycroft will agree"

"So, you're a high-functioning sociopath, I really don't see a difference, also it doesn't matter, Mycroft already knows and he couldn't stop it, how could you." You say getting fed up, but at that moment Mrs. Hudson comes up the stairs.

"Oh (Y/N), it's been so long since I saw you." She says not knowing you were kidnapped "Would you like some tea?" 

"Yes please Mrs. Hudson." She then starts to make it while you wait patiently for your boyfriend to arrive. 

AN: Probably the longest preference I wrote!!

QOTD: Favorite cake flavor?

AOTD: Red Velvet or Marble cake!!!

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