How you cuddle...

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You guys sit on the couch with his head in your lap and your hands in his hair. His head is faced to your stomach and his arms are around your waist. He's usually in his mind palace and your either sitting there with a book in hand or your phone.

You two cuddle on the couch with his arm wrapped around your shoulders and you cuddled up right next to him with a fluffy and comfy blanket draped around both of you while a movie of your choice is playing in the background.


You guys usually cuddle on the bed with him sitting somewhat upright and you in a sleeping position with your arm around his waist next to him. His arm is around your back while you two talk about each other's day and just enjoying your time sitting there comfortably.

AN/ How many more chapters should I do??

Qotd: Favorite hobby??

Aotd: Reading or if the weather is good, biking.

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