How he wakes you up in the morning...

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Sherlock: He won't wake you up, he'll let you sleep in, but that's a problem during work days when you have to go early. He would give you a forehead kiss and then walk downstairs to get started with the day and when you would eventually wake up and look at the time. You would immediately get dressed rush downstairs give him a glare. He would look at you sheepishly and mouth sorry before you run out the door to get to work.

John: You are actually the first to wake up in the morning. You would gently shake him and if he doesn't wake up then you would go downstairs and start making breakfast and he would walk in and hug you from behind. You would cook while he either starts swaying behind you while holding you or he would help in making the food.

Jim: He would wake you up by peppering kisses up and down your neck, if you still didn't wake up he would creep into the bathroom and fill a cup of cold water and start sprinkling water on you, if you still didn't wake up he would pour the rest of the water on you. You would wake up and jump on him and start hitting your pillow on him. He obviously wouldn't get mad but it if was anyone else then they'd be dead by then.

AN: I need requests!!!! Anyways I am just done with life. I have no clue what I'm doing half the time. 

QOTD: Favorite subject in school?

AOTD: History (Idk why everyone hates on it, I personally love it!)

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