He catches you writing/reading a fan-fiction...

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(Y/F)=your fan-fiction that you are either writing or reading.


You were in 221B and on your phone reading (Y/F) when the door bursts open and Sherlock is holding up a bag filled with his lab stuff. He walks in and plops the bag down on the floor and throws himself on the couch. Not wanting to be embarrassed you discreetly try to put your phone down and act as if you weren't reading a fan-fiction. He walked over to you and picked up the phone to see your recently opened story. 

"Really (Y/N), this is what you were hiding from me. There is no need to be embarrassed about it, on the contrary I'm happy that your'e actually reading something for once even though it is stupid, what were you even reading about?" 

You looked up at him and blushed. "I was bored, that's the only reason why!" You defended yourself as you looked away from him to the wall in the background. He started to chuckle and shake his head. Not being able to withstand the embarrassment you jumped up and ran into the bathroom.

"(Y/N), come back please dear, I was merely joking." 


You were writing a fan-fiction on your celebrity crush when John came in. He saw you typing away on your device when he stealthily creeped up behind you and read whatever you were typing. "So darling, I see you have a hidden talent for writing things on WattPad. What-ever were you even writing about."

You jumped and looked behind you to see John. You had just realized he was in the flat. Looking down you said "I-I was just writing a story. It's nothing really. Just a plain and boring story, I-."

He cut you off with small chuckles, "Love, I was joking. I don't care that you are writing a story, although it would have been much better if you wrote about me instead. The guy your'e writing about seems iffy."

You immediately relaxed knowing he wasn't going to embarrass you. "Thank you so much Darling." 


3rd persons POV:

"GIVE IT BACK JIM, I"M NOT JOKING!!" Yells and footsteps were being heard in Jim's flat. Inside you would have been able to see (Y/N) running behind Jim while he was holding up what seemed to be a small device. 

Back to your POV:

"Please give it back James, I find my old self to be hugely embarrassing." you said as you were running around behind Jim all over the house. 

"It's to funny for that, let's see here, 'his eyes shined in the moonlight as the wind blew all around you', why I didn't know you were such a romantic. In fact we might as well get this re-enacted." He teased. 

"Please give it back, and don't you dare read any of it out loud again." you replied. 

"But my queen, this is much more fun, don't you think." you gave him your best puppy-dog eye look as he turned to face you now running backwards. He saw your look and knew it was time to give the device back. 

"Just this once (Y/N), I promise the next time I see you reading or writing about another person that isn't me, I will read aloud your story to the rest of your family members, and exaggerate on every detail." He said mischievously. 

AN:/ Sorry about the delay for this story... I planned this out like a week ago but you know life happens. The tattoo one was just a small filler. 

QOTD: How was your Thanksgiving (if you celebrated it)?

AOTD: I don't really celebrate it so I guess it was pretty good. I however couldn't meet up with any family so that was sad. 

Remember to stay safe and WEAR MASKS!!! Also please vote/comment and tell me if you have any requests for preferences!!!

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