How Jealous they get...

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He'll deduce the person you're talking with, talking about their failures or bad habits and then would promptly grab your hand, tell you that the person you were talking with "lowers the IQ of the whole street" and you two would walk away.


He'll stand beside you, with your hand in his hand and will stare down the other person until they go away or try to distract them so he could pull you away if you guys were at a party of some sorts.


Ha! Did you really think he wouldn't get jealous. If he does he'll sneak up behind you and wrap your arms around your waist and will start glaring at the person you're talking to, or sometimes even start to interrupt the person every time they start to speak.

AN: I want the virus to go away now. I want to go back to school (never thought that I would say that), and I'm tired of being cooped up in my house all day. I hope you guys are staying safe and healthy. WEAR MASKS!!!!

QOTD: Favorite comfort movie?

AOTD: I have so many but any Marvel movie or Newsies!

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