6- Best For You

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Summary: Tubbo origin story

Fluffy with a little angst at the end.


"You lying!" Tubbo giggled leaning against Tommy's shoulder.

"I'm not, I was there! I saw!" Tommy defended.

Phil walked into the room and both boys immediately looked at him.

"Dad tell Tubbo how you found him, he won't believe me!" The blonde practically yelled.



"I don't think I'll be able to take care of you..." The man looked down at the baby in his arms and smiled softly, "but I'll try my best to give you a good life."

The baby looked up at him with wide eyes and giggled loudly reaching for the man's horns and tugging them.

The man laughed quietly and bumped his head against the kids.


"Da..da..bb.." the baby struggled to say his first words.

"C'mon! You got this kid!" The dad happily cheered him on.

"Bees!" The brunette clapped his small hands.

"Of course you said bees." He rolled his eyes playfully.

Suddenly the baby began whining and almost crying, confusing the tall man.

"What's wrong?" He picked up the kid.

The boy reached for his head and held his hands there.

"Lemme see," he moved the babies hands and gasped, "your horns are growing!"

Small wide eyes looked up at him confused, the dad chuckled and pointed to his fully grown horns.

"Like mine."

In response the small child reached for the man's horns and tugged them, his father laughed and bumpted their heads together.


"Look! A bee!" The four year old happily pointed at a bee plush.

"Yeah.." the man said hoping the kid wouldn't want it.

"Can i have one!" He looked up at his father with hopeful eyes.

"Kid...i don't have enough for it." He began pulling the teary eyed kid away.

"B...but dad.."

"Hey, maybe santa will get you one!" This immediately calmed down the crying child.




"Hey looks like there's one more present." He handed the excited kid a small round wrapped gift.

Quickly the brunette tore open the gift and gasped loudly when he saw the bee plush.

"Santa got me the bee!!" He yelled happily.

"Yea..he did.." his dad looked into his empty wallet.


"But i don't want to leave you, dad.." the kid frowned and his dad placed him into the box.

"I'm sorry Tubbo, it's for the best. I cant take care of you anymore..." The horned man placed a soft kiss on top of Tubbo's head, "i promised I'd do what's best to give you a good life.."

"But i don't wanna leave you!" Tubbo sobbed.

"Kid, stay here until someone finds you and give them this." He handed the boy a note.

The brunette sniffed but nodded and took the folded piece of paper.

A twig snapped near them and the man stood and ran to hide behind a tree. He saw a blonde man with three kids walk into the clearing.

"Dad! Dad! Look, there's a kid in that box." One of the kids tugged at the blonde's sleeve.

"What..?" He quickly kneeled next to Tubbo who was sat in the box, "hey there, where are your parents?"

"My dad...left.." the boy rubbed his eyes then handed the man the note.

He quickly skimmed it and looked back at Tubbo with a sad look.

"Hey Tubbo," the brunette perked up at the mention of his name, "I'm Phil."

Phil pointed to the two boys who looked slightly similar, "and that's Techno and Wilbur."

Then he shifted his shoulder over and a smaller blonde peeked over his shoulder, "and this is Tommy."

The two children stared at each other with wide eyes before Tommy hid back behind Phil's shoulder.

"Wanna come with us?" The blonde reached out towards the boy.

Tubbo looked up at him then at his hand and grabbed it with his small hands.

As Phil was picking up the boy he looked over and saw the man hiding behind a tree. He immediately put two and two together and silently nodded at him before walking away.

"Take care of my boy for me."


"In a box, like Tommy told you." Phil smiled at Tubbo.

I'll tell him when he's older...



Watching an old Sapnap stream--


This is gonna get posted in my SBI book too

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