17- Baby Wilbah

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Request: Wilbur somehow turns into a child and someone takes care of him, by loyd_146

Summary: During the war Drè attacks Wilbur with a weird potion that temporarily turns him into a kid, everyone is gone except for Technoblade.

Note: Remember cannonically (last time I checked at least-) they're twins.

T/W: a little bit of blood an violence :)


"You've got nowhere else to run to you green båstård, this is it. The end of the line." Wilbur grinned at the masked man he backed into a corner.

"Heh.." Dream laughed and reached a hand into his pocket, "wouldn't count on that."

Suddenly when he threw whatever he had the blonde splashed another potion and began running.

Wilbur felt his head get heavy as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he passed out. Technoblade, who had gone with Wilbur, appeared and began freaking out when he saw his younger brother unconscious on the ground.

"Will?!" He kneeled next to the curly headed brunette.

Suddenly Wilbur began shrinking, Techno gasped and started freaking out even more.

His brother had de-aged down to a 5 year old.

"Hm..?" Wilbur's eyes opened and he rubbed his eyes.

The now small child looked up at Technoblade, you'd think him being a literal child he'd be scared of Techno. The man was literally wearing a pigs mask.

Instead Will just tilted his head to the side in slight confustion and pulled off the mask revealing Techno's confused scarred face. The brunette reached forward and pulled at Techno's nose ring causing the older to help in pain.

"Ow- Will don't do that!" The pig man scolded.

Wilbur paused and looked up at him with wide eyes, then immediately started crying.

"Woah WOAH-" Techno grabbed Will's too big shirt and wrapped it around the crying boy and stood, "Don't cry--"

The pinkette rocked his brother in his arms while trying to think of something that made Will stop crying when they were younger.

He thought of something and sighed heavily, "I'll tell you a story if you stop crying Will?"

The crying stopped and Wilbur stared at Techno again and giggled.


Techno carried his brother all the way back home and since it was dark out he desided just to sit on Wilbur's bed while his now small brother layed against chest.

The pinkette began telling Wilbur the story of the man with the wings who saved four boys.

"The first two boys he saved were twins," Techno smiled softly, "they were two piglin hybrids who didn't have parents. The man saved then from the bad guys in the underworld. He was nice enough to take them with him back to the overworld."

Wilbur snuggled into his brothers chest and continued listening to the story he knew so well.

"He raised the two boys on his own, the older grew up to be a swords man, and the younger became president."

"What about the other two boys?" The curly haired boy murmured.

"The man was in the woods on a great quest when he found a little boy with a hurt wing carrying a box." The pinkette began, "He asked the boy what happened, the boy said he was trying to get somewhere safe. The man with wings said he could take the boy with him and he would he safe."

"The young boy was hesitant before agreeing to go with him. The whole time they walked together the boy held his box safely in his arms. When they got to the man's house the boy finally put down his box and knocked on it. When he did another hurt little boy poked his head out. The man took in the two boys a long with the piglin hybrid twins as his own."

Technoblade looked down at Will and saw he was asleep, the older leaned his head against the headrest of the bed and sighed. He didn't stay awake much longer and ended falling asleep.


A few hours later before dawn Phil came home with two bloody and bruised boys. After laying them down in their beds and tending to their wounds he went to check on his other two boys.

When he walked in he saw them both on Wilbur's bed asleep, the brunette was now back to normal. Phil rarely saw the two being this close with each other, not since they were kids. He smiled softly at the sight he missed seeing and closed the door softly.


I'm back :)

But sadly it's time to do something that will give you people who've read my other book ptsd.


Yep, this book is also ending ':)

And no it's not cause i lost motivation or anything, it's cause I'm starting another oneshot book i can write these in :]


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