10- Cuddle Pile

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Art by @ tania_aaaaa on Instagram

Summary: SBI cuddle Pile :D

This one is gonna be short


Phil tiredly sat on the ground with his wings extended out and leaned his head against the wall. A few moments of silence passed before the man heard to pairs of footsteps comming towards him.

"Hm?" The blonde looked over and saw his twin sons sitting on the ground to lean on him.

Techno got on his right while Wilbur layed against his left side. Phil smiled softly and wrapped both his arms and wings around the two.

A few more minutes passed before he heard two more people walking towards him. Once again the man opened his eyes and looked over, he smiled softly when he saw his other two sons holding hands making their way towards him.

The duo said nothing as Tommy layed his head on Wilbur's lap wrapping an arm around Techno's arm, and Tubbo simply layed on his twin hugging the taller.

Wilbur and Techno shuffled in their sleep but didn't wake. Instead Wilbur moved a hand on top of Tommy's head, while Techno covered Tubbo with his red and white cape.

Phil looked at his four sons and sighed contently before falling asleep as well.


Sorry this was so short I just needed to post something before i go back to school today.

It's almost 1am and I've gotta be getting ready to leave at 6am.

Today's my first day of irl school in 10 months.


Ask me questions cause i wanna do a q&a :)


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