12- Where In The Wally World Is TommyInnit?

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This is a funny request.

Prompt by B-BLOODGOD

Request: Tommy gets forgotten and lost in Wal-Mart.

But Imma add in Tubbo cause why not-

Note: Wally World is Walmart, that's just what my Grandpa calls it--


"Are we there yet?" Smol Tommy repeatedly asked from the back seat.

"Five more minutes Tommy." Philza responded in a tired exasperated tone.

"How long is five minutes?" Smol Tubbo tilted his head.

"Like a gazillion hours!" The younger blonde whined.

"If you two don't shut up I'm going to be giving the blood god two more orphans." Techno glared at the two from the passenger seat.

"We aren't orphans though?"

"Techno shut the hell up-" Will yelled from next to Tommy.

"Ok everyone shush-" Phil nervously cut in.


"Techno and Will watch out from your brothers while i get the groceries got it?"

When the twins nodded Phil walked away with a cart and Techno pointed to Tommy.

"Don't make a scene."

And with that he and Wilbur began leading the two kids around the store talking with each other.

After half an hour Tommy and Tubbo got bored and wandered away from the other two, they walked down a bunch of aisles looking at random food.

"Where Wilbur?"

"Where's The Blade?" They bother asked together.

Nervously they began rushing around looking for any of their family.


"Ok let's get these into the car." Phil said and he and the twins unloaded the bags into their car.

After a while they finished and began climbing into the car ready to leave the Walmart parking lot.

"Why is it so quiet?" Phil asked suddenly.

Three's blood ran cold.

"Did we-"

"Oh my god-"


They ran out of the car and back into the supermarket hastily looking for the two 6 year olds.


"Tommy what if they never come back?" Tubbo said quietly.

The had sat down on the ground in the clothing part of the store. People walked past them without giving them a second thought, except for a worker who walked past and heard Tubbo.

"Tubbo they aren't going to leave us here." Tommy glared at his brother.

"Are you two lost?" Asked a blonde employee.

"What's it to ya?" Tommy sassed.

"Kid i work here, i can help you find whoever you came here with." He laughed lightly then paused, "if you want."

"No-" Tommy got cut off by Tubbo.

"Yes please! We lost out dad and two brothers." The small brunette stood and quickly pulled the other up too.

"All right, here follow me i can take you two up front." The man began leading them towards the front.


”WHERE ARE MY SONS!?" Phil screamed when he reached the help desk.

"Uh-," the girl pause, "phil? Did you loose Tommy again?"

"Niki? What do you mean again?" Phil turned to Wilbur, "The fuxk did you do last time you brought them here?"

"Let's focus on finding them first." Will nervously laughed.

Before they continued two sets of arms wrapped around Phil from behind.

"DAD!" Tommy and Tubbo yelled happily as they hugged their father.

Behind them stood the man who helped them smiling proudly that he helped them.

"Thanks Dream." Niki smiled and waved as Dream left.

"I'm so glad you two are safe!" Phil turned to Wilbur with a hard look on his face, "Now what's this about loosing them 'again' huh?"


Totally didn't just reference Friendship Goals chapter 'Big Store Smol Kids'




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