Run, Run, Run as fast as you can.

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"BANG" he whispered into my ear making chills run down my spine.

"G-Get o-off p-please" I stuttered out.

"Dont try to fix me Summer." He said as he gently brushed his nose against mine.

"I j-just wanted to help you. I he-"

"I don't care about what you heard or even want!" He yelled. "I'm not broken Summer! I dont need to be fixed!"

"You need help! Look at you! You're fucking crazy! You kill people, you hea-"

"I don't want to be fixed Summer." He whispered as he moved his face to my neck and started placing gentle kisses and sucking on my sweet spot.

"C-Christopher s-st-"

"What I want is you Summer, what I need is you." He said looking me in the eyes one last time before he crashed his lips with mine.

The kiss was gentle yet full of passion. His tongue asking for intrense and me granting it righ away with our toungs exploring each others mouths until he pulled away with both of us gasping for air.

"S-she... Y-you.." he stuttered out before crashing our lips together ones again the kiss being a hungry one this time.

It was 3:45 am and I layed in Christophers bed staring at the cealing with his hands wrapped around my waist and only his soft snores being heard. I started to slip out of his grip and made my way down stairs but I couldn't help to wonder back to my brothers and what they would be doing. Suddenly I walked up to the front door and twist the knob and gave the door a little pull as it creeked open. This was my chance to go see my family and get away from Christopher. But if I left what would happen? Would he go mad? Or will he just go after me and kill me? I pushed all of those thoughts to the back of my head as I swing the door open and start to run for my life with my heart thumping dramatically against my chest when I hear someone yell from behind me.

"Run, run as fast as you can!Because when I catch you not even your god will be able to save you!"

Oh my Kellin Quinn what have I gotten my self into?!

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