New house

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Summer's POV.

"Mom! Mother! Mum! Mommy! Mother! Emely! Em! Mu-"

"Summer! Will you shut up already?!" Mom yelled from the driver's seat.

"But, I'm bored, Mom!" We've been in this car for twenty four freaking hours! Oh, and don't forget I haven't eaten anything!"

"Will someone shut her up? I'm trying to sleep!" Max, my brother yelled sounding annoyed.

"Alright, alright, we're here, kids!" Mom yelled sounding excited.

As I opened the door, I was shove to the ground, causing me to fall on my butt. 

"Oops. Sorry, Summer. I didn't see you there." Ethan said, giving me a fake smile.

"You little son of a living gorilla!" I yelled, poking his chest angrily.

"Mom! Didn't you hear that? She called you a living gorilla!."

"Summer and Ethan, please help your brothers get all the things into the house and stop fighting."

4 Hours Later...

I was exhausted. We had been unpacking and carrying boxes for four hours straight. I am so ready for a nap.

"So, are you ready for tomorrow?" Max asked, taking the seat next to me.

"I don't know. I'm honestly kinda scared, Max. I mean, what if they think I'm some sort of emo freak?"

"Oh, come on Summer, we all think you're an emo freak." Daniel said.

"Yeah, who listens to all the Pierce the something crap anyways?" Ethan asked.

"Hey! I'll have you know that Vic and I are going to get married someday!"

"You aren't getting married until you're thirty." Max said authoritatively.

"What? I'm going to date and get married when I want."

"Oh no, no, no we are not going to let that happen." Daniel said.

"Since when do you guys tell me what I can and can't do?" I asked quickly getting irritated.

"Since today. Mom's going out and she won't be back until Saturday, so we're watching you." Aiden informed me.

"What?! We literally just moved here and she's already leaving? That's not fair, Mom!" I yelled.

"Oh, and Max, I am excited for school because there should be a lot of cute boys here, and one of them will be mine." I gave him a wink before I walked away.

The Next Day...

"Summer! Wake up! It's time for school! Daniel screamed in my ear.

"Damn it, Daniel, you're going to make me go deaf." I told him annoyed.

When he left, I got up and took a long, nice, shower. The cool thing about this house is that I get my one bathroom. This house is also really big, it has seven bedrooms and four bathrooms."

When I got out of the shower, I started to apply my make up. I went with a cat eye and a little mascara. I straightened it and wrapped a black bandana around my head. I wore a black and red Pierce the Veil shirt with blue and red jeans with a pair of black converse.

"Hey sunshine. Are you ready?" Max asked.

"Yeah, all done. So, will I take my car? Or is it not here yet."

"The keys are downstairs, but you're going to have to take all of us, kiddo."

"Oh and you're forgetting your contact-" I cut him off by running to the bathroom and putting on my contacts.

Psychopathजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें