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-"I'm holdin' her just like she's gold, but I've been running from the sun. Oh no, no. And if I ever catch the ones who hurt you, I'm hoping that God looks away this time. Why would I let you go? Pierce the veil.


Summers POV.

I woke up surrounded by darkness. My hands started searching the bed for someone but no one was there. I instantly got off the bed and walked to the door that had some light shining behind it and pulled it open. I gasped at the boy in front of me.

"A-Austin?" I tilted his head so I could get a better look at it. His eyes are blood shut and he is leaning against the toilet with a a bottle of vodka hanging from his hand.

"Surprise babe." He said all of the sudden. He seems drunk like shitface drunk.

"Are you drunk Austin?!" I half yelled as I got on my knees and examined him to see if he was hurt or something cause you know drunks they can get into a bit of trouble from time to time no offense.

"Are you drunk Austin?" He mimicked me. Asshole. "No Summer I'm Drunk as a fucking fly and higher than a drunk." He said making no sense.

"God dammit Austin get off your fat ass and go to bed."

"I always knew that girls had a thing for my ass is it that fat? And is that a good thing or should I be offended?" He raised his eye brow at me expecting an answer.

"Yes it is." I sighed out. I looked around the bathroom and realized it wasn't my bathroom. I opened the door and looked into the room where the little light was shining and saw it was a guys room. And a clean room too.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"My mums house silly dick!" He yelled as laughter filled the once silent room.

"Why?" I asked turning around only to bump into a hard chest. I looked up and came face to face with Austin. His eyes showed lust on them. Making them look almost grey. And his breathing was slowing down. Was he gonna pass out?

"I need you Summer" he whispered into my ear making me blush. I was suddenly being pushed back with two hands and thrown onto a soft bed.

"W-what are y-you doing?" I asked.

"I told you." He stopped and got on top of me bringing his head to the crook of my neck. I could smell his perfume and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. His messy hair was tickling the side of my face as he kissed my neck with passion and desire. "I need you." He whispered again. He then rolled off of me and got under the covers of the bed.

"Austin?" I whispers.

"What Summer?"

"Are you going to sleep?"

"Yes Summer."

"But I'm bored."

"Go explore or some shit just don't bother me."

"Alright!" I hopped of the bed and made my way to the door.

Honestly Austin's house is huge like mansion huge. I was currently in his kitchen because I am so hungry I could eat a cow! I wonder if when a cow is hungry it says uuu girl I'm so hungry I could eat a human! Or what if a cow has grass burgers with a bit of human in them!? Maybe they are mad that we make them into hamburgers and they turn us into human burgers! I started to panic as I thought about being eaten by a cow that I didn't notice someone sitting beside me.

"Hey there." His voice caught me by surprised and I slowly turned to face him. I stared into his green dark eyes as memories that I pushed to the back of my mind of the party that took place in this house made their ways back to my mind like a crashing wave.

"Y-you... I-you." I stuttered as I fought the tears that wanted to come out.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He joked and laughed as if it was actually funny.

"You're so sick you fucking prick! You ruined my life do you know I can't sleep because of you?! You should really try to get help from a mental institution because you are as crazy as they come!" I yelled as anger and other emotions bubbled up inside of me wanting to burst out.

"Oh yeah? Funny because you've just been kidnaped by one of the most dangerous and insane criminal darling." He said as a smirk tugged it's way into his lips.

"K-kidnaped?" I asked feeling confused as hell. Who kidnaped me? When? Numerous of questions popped into my Mind but there were soon cut off as the green eyed monster spoke

"Brother what are you doing up so early?" He asked looking behind me.

"What the fuck did you say to her Nick?!" I turned and saw Austin coming down the stairs looking mad as hell.

"Oh you know I was just reminding her of her one night stand and how I did her so good in the bathroom. I took her to heaven and back brother something you will never have the balls to do yourself."

"It was you!" Austin yelled as he grabbed his brother by his neck and started to choke him.

"Surprise" His brother Nick it think choked out. I gasped as Austin's fist collided with the wall only missing Nick's face by inches.

"You're lucky I'm not going to kill you right now! But when the time comes not even your damn god will be able so save your ass!" Austin yelled as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me upstairs.

I was sitting awkwardly as Austin grabbed things and threw them into a bag. I think he's lossing his Mind. I was soon brought back by my phone buzzing in my pocket. It was a text from Matt.

Matty Poo! :*

'Summer where the hell are you?!'

I was about to respond when my phone was suddenly snatched out of my hands.

"What the hell?!" I yelled as Austin read the text and quickly replied to it.

"Don't fucking talk to him!" He yelled.

"What is your problem Austin?!" I asked running a hand trough my hair.

"My problem is you Summer." He growled as he took out a long rope.

"W-what are you gonna do?"

"Tie you up duh." I slowly got off the bed and was about to run to the door when two strong arms pulled me back.

"Chill the fuck down Summer or I'm gonna have to do this the hard way!" He yelled sounding annoyed. He sat me on the bed and tied my hands and feet I could feel the rope starting to scratch my wrist every time I tried to brake free.

"W-why did y-you tie me up?" I asked as tears fell from my eyes. I know I'm a cry baby.

"So you wouldn't run when I told you who I really am." He smirked.

"W-who are y-you?"

"My name is Christopher Knight." He paused "And I am your kidnapper."

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