The badboy

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Summer's POV

After what Austin said I was beyond shocked. I mean who the hell does this boy think he is?! I was about to open the bathroom door when it suddenly was flung open causing me to bump into a hard chest.

"What the hell are you doing here Summer?!" Max asked sounding really pissed off.

"Oh uh hi Maxy what's up?"

"What's up?! You want to know what's up!! Well I will fucking tell you what's up! I just found my little fucking sister in the guy's bathroom that's what's up summer!!" He yelled. Yup he was so pissed.

"Oh well you should go take care of that I will just be on my way Max." I said as I tried to walk past him but was held back by a strong hand.

"Cut the crap Summer and answer my damn question!"

"Well you see I had to use the restroom before lunch and I didn't know this was the guy's bathroom and I came in here and yeah..."

"Do you really think I'm fucking stupid or something?!!" He asked.

"Yeah." Oops. " I mean no Max I don't!" I said quickly correcting my self.

"Get out of here well finish this after school and you will show me the guy you were here with me!" He yelled. With that I walked past him and made my way to lunch. I'm so dead.

Later at lunch...

"Hey Ashely who's Austin Black?" I asked.

"He is the schools Badboy he has been suspended and gone to jail more times than I have gone to Wraped Tour!which is 3 times."

"No! I've never gone! I've been too busy with Oli Sykes making plans for our wedding." I joked.

"Oh please everyone knows he is mine girl."

"Yeah well we will see about that." I said.

"So why did you want to know about Austin?" She asked changing the subject.

"Ohh well I bumped into him in the bathroom." I said. I wasn't sure if I should tell her everything that happened but I decided that she should know and started telling her everything.

"He wants your what?!" Ashely yelled when I finished telling her what happened.

"Really that's all you ask?! Look I know we just met but I really hope you go to my funeral." I said whipping away a fake tear.

"I should go to your house to make sure they don't kill you! Plus your brothers are really hot." She said with a smile

"Please do!" I said almost begging and ignoring the part about my brothers.

"Alright meet me after school by the bathrooms and try not to go in the wrong one again." She joked before she turned around and left.

Gym was my next class so it shouldn't be to hard to find.

5 minutes Later..

Okay I spoke to soon I can't find the Gym I have been all around this dumb school and no luck. Why did this school have to be so d-

"Having trouble finding your next class babe?" I heard a deep voice. When I turned around I came face to face with the devil it's self. Austin Black.

"I'm sorry do I know you?" I played dumb.

"Oh come on a pretty face like mine isn't that hard to forget now is it?" No Austin it isn't. I mean what?

"Yeah it actually is and don't call me babe jerk I have a boyfriend."

"Oh you do?" He asked looking pretty amused. Does he think this is funny?!

"Yeah I do his name is Matt and he is way hotter than you!" I said but yeah I was lying Matt is one of my best friends who I have liked since 5th grade. But I was stuck in the friend zone.

"Oh is he? Well then where is he?"

"He is in uh In uh.. He's back home?" I said but it came out sounding like a question.

"Right... Well I'm having a party today so you better come babe." He said as he walked off. "Oh and gym is outside princess."

Who the hell has gym class outside?! What if we get dehydrated or something because of the sun?! What if the su- Holy mother of peanut butter! Austin black is in my gym class! And he's shirtless! Playing football! Someone bring me some water! Momma like!

"Does she now?" Aiden asked smiling.




"Uhh no! Aiden i meant that-" I was suddenly cut off by Aiden's nasty hand covering my mouth.

"Hey Austin guess what man!" Aiden called to Austin.

"What's up Carter?" Austin yelled back.

"My little sister over here thinks you have a nice body! She said momma likes what she sees!" Aiden told Austin. I bite Aidens hand making him scream in pain and took off running to my car. What the hell just happened?! He's gonna think I like him now which I don't. But he is really hot and I wouldn't mind being alone with him for a while god the things I would d- what no! Bad Summer bad!

"Hey Summer where are you?!" Someone called from outside.

"What Austin? What do you want now?" I asked getting out of my car.

"Hey listen I just want you to know that I didn't believe what thing one said so you're fine." He said coming closer to me.

"Thing one?" I asked confused.

"He is the oldest isn't he?"

"Yeah he's the oldest then Ethan and finally me but only cause Ethan pulled me back before I could come out of my mo-"

"Wait you guys are triplets?!" He yelled cutting me off.


"Well honestly you are way more cuter than them." He said as he stopped inches away from my face.

"Am..... I?" I asked looking down at his lips. God they look so yummy.

"Yes" was the last thing he said before pulling me to him and crashing our lips together. He started kissing me softly and passionately making me feel like I was in kissing heaven. My hands when up to his hair as a moan escaped my lips an-

"Summer Hope Carter what the fuck are you doing!" I quickly turned to look at the 4 angry guys that are now only a couple feet away then at Austin who had a smile on his lips. And the back at Max who looked like he was about to murder someone.

I just kissed the Badboy and I liked it! Liked it? Who am I kidding I loved it. I'm starting to fall for this boy and it's only my first day here! And probably my last.

"Austin you better wish you can outrun 4 mad Carter brothers if you want to live." I whispered to him.

"Don't worry about what they will do to me babe worry about what they will do to you." He said giving me a smirk. " Oh and this make out thing is to be continued at the party thing 3" he said before he took of running with 2 angry twins and a very angry Daniel. I turned to look at where the boys once stood to see a vary angry Max.

"Oh Summer, Summer you are so dead."

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