Strike three little kitten

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~ "Can we crate something beautiful and then destroy it?"



Summer's POV

I stood there shocked as I saw Austin walking away. What's wrong with him? It's as if he turned into a whole totally new person. He was rude and the look he gave me was scaring the shit out of me. The way his eyes got so dark that they even looked grey. And the way he smirked at me before sending that guy to the emergency room. I quickly rushed out the doors after him not sure of what to do. When I got to the parking lot I saw him leaning against his car with a cigarette poking out of his mouth. I watched as he puffed out small white clouds out of his mouth and inhaled the killing matching once again.

"Take a damn picture Carter it will last longer." He yelled catching me by surprise is he a ninja?

"What the hell is your problem idiot?!" I yelled as I approached him.

"My problem? Well I have a lot of those but I'm not really sure if you are ready to hear them babe." He said as he blew out more smoke. I instantly grabbed that thing out of his mouth and threw it on the ground making the little red light die down.

"You fucking didn't." Austin said before grabbing me and flipping me over so I was now pressed against his car and he was pushing me against it. Seriously tho is this kid a fucking ninja?!

"A-Austin get off you crazy gorilla!" I yelled as I started to push him away but fail many times.

"Look Summer honey just because I really want you well need you at this point doesn't mean I will let you disrespect me like that. So guess what? Strike two kitty." He whispered into my ear. He then brought his head down to the crook of my neck. I felt him kiss my neck before he started to bite and suck on my skin. I let a little moan escape my lips before he pulled away.

"D-don't do th-that again." I stuttered out.

"Why not? It sounded like you enjoyed it." He said smirking. Typical Austin.

"Just don't okay?! I don't need and asshole like you toying with my emotions!" I yelled. I then stormed off to my car not wanting to deal with this right now. I got in my car and turned it on as music started to blast trough the speakers. It was the song Shadow Moses by Bring me the horizon. I smiled at how amazingly sexy Oli's Voice sounded.

"This is Sempiternal! Will we ever see the end?! This is Sempiternal! Over and over, again and again! Rise from the dead you say?! Secrets don't sleep til they've took to the grave!" I singed as I drove home. Every time I'm down or mad I always blast my music in my room or the car and I instantly forget my problems and when that doesn't help I play my guitar and pretend like I'm famous. I parked my car in the drive way next to Max's car and walked over to the door. I searched into my pocket looking for a key when the door flung open and Danny shoved me causing me to fall on my butt.

"Danny you stinky terd!" I yelled as I got up and turned to look at Danny who was running around the house in boxers only.

"Oh hi Summer you silly banana!" He yelled.

"What the he-" I was cut off when Ethan shoved me to the ground even harder. I looked up and saw that he was covered in feathers and mustered? I suddenly saw a hand in front of me and looked up. Max.

"If you look carefully you can see Danny's ass crack trough that hole in his thong." He chuckled.

"Ew! Max! I don't need to know!" I yelled as I took his hand and got up.

"Hey um someone's waiting for you inside." Max said suddenly sounding nervous. I walked inside with out bumping into someone else and walked into my room. I set al my things down and went down stairs again. I got an apple and went into the living room and saw someone was sitting in the couch watching tv.

"Hey Summer."

"Hey Aiden what cha watching boy?" I asked as I sat next to him. He to looked nervous as hell or even more.

"The originals" he turned and looked behind me.

"Baby?" He spoke and I froze. I couldn't believe it. Was it really him? I started at Aiden wondering if this was real or just a sick joke. But he nodded confirming that he really was here.

"Y-you" I stuttered out as I turned to look at him. He's brown eyes lit up as I stared at him his brown hair was longer now and spiked up.

"Yes honey it's me your dad." He started walking over to me as tears fell from my eyes.

"Baby I missed you so much I heard about what happened a week ago are you alright? What did they do to you? Th-"

"So that's what it took huh? All that needed to happen was for me to get hurt in order to bring you back? You make me fucking sick dad! How could you?!" I screamed as tears fell from my eyes.

"Summer Hope Carter I promised I would keep you safe even if it meant leaving you! I love you all of you guys and I wouldn't be able to live with my self if I hurt you." He said trying to calm me down. I walked up to him to where we were only inches apart.

"Bullshit. You. Are. Not. My. Father." I said as I walked out of the living room and out the door into my car.

I sat there as tears fell from my eyes. He didn't love us he hate us! He never even called for the love of Kellin! I kept crying and crying when suddenly I heard a knock on my window. Matt.

"Yes?" I asked whipping the tears from my face. I didn't go so far I was at the park right outside my house.

"What's wrong babe?"

"H-he's back Matty!" I cried out more.


My father! That asshole came back after nine years Matt! Nine!" I cried out more.

"Hey is alright I'm here for you. I'm sorry for what I said to you I was confused and I didn't know what was going on I just really needed you but you left to see Stone." He said getting angry.


"I-I mean Austin. It makes me so mad when you chose him over me Summer. Can you see?" He whispered. He then leaned down where his face was only inches away from mine. He slowly tilted his head and kissed me softly. I froze. Matt is kissing me I had a crush on him for like a year but I knew it would never happen. And here he is kissing me. I slowly started kissing back but it wasn't the same. His lips felt weird when the made contact with mine. It felt so wrong.

"Summer?" A voice called out causing me and Matt to brake away the kiss.

"Austin?" I Gasped. He saw me holy shit!!!

"Sanchez get the fuck out of here before I hurt your ass!" Austin yelled.

"You don't tell me what to do Stone!" Matt yelled. Stone? Austin looked at him and if looks could kill Matt would be slaughtered.

"Matt go." I whispered to him and he turned and left.

Austin got near my window and yelled at me to move into the passengers side and I did. He got into the car and looked at me straight in the eyes with a cold look. I gulped.

"Strike three." He said and then leaned into my ear and whispers "You're out. You have been a bad, bad kitten." Before pulling out a white cloth and pressing it against my face. I tried not to breath in the chemicals cause I've seen this in movies and it doesn't end good. He moved one hand to my waist and pressed into my cuts that haven't healed. I gasped out letting the chemical smell invade my nose. I started to lose conscious but I heard Austin whisper "You're mine now kitten." Before I passed out.

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