Pathetic monster

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Summer's Pov

I woke up with a terrible head ache and very bad stomach cramps.

"Well fuck you too mother nature." I curesed.

"What?" Asked a deep, huskey voice from across the room.


I suddenly noticed my surrounding as the memory's of last night came pouring back in my mind making me gasp in fear at the guy in front of me.

"Y-you k-killed that guy.... And y-you al-" I started stuttering out but was soon cut off.

"You need to understand that I could never hurt you Summer."

"I-I don't k-know that for sure." I wisperd too ashemed to even look at him anymore.

"You don't but I do." He said lifting my chin with his thum and placing a kiss on my forhead.

How could he seem so normal one minute and so dameged the next?

"I umm I n-need so-some p-pads.." I whispered/stuttered out.

"What babe? Sorry couldn't really understand you." He said as a smirk formed on his lips making me turn more red than a tomato.

"Don't." I whispered feeling very awkward.

"It was a joke I'll get my sister to get you some and I'll drop by your house and pick up all your stuff." He said more serious.

30 minutes later...

I was currently in Christophers living room watching The Originals and eating a hot pocket when I heard the front door open and a red head with blue eyes a lip ring and one of her arms coverd in tattoos walked in.


"Ash? W-what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I brought you some pads, tampons, pills, and ice cream." She said with a smile on her face.

"Y-you're his sister?!" I yelled as the feeling of hurt and anger bubbled up inside of me.

"Uh yeah.. Look Summer I didn't know he would do this and when I found out I tried to stop him but he's so into you an-"

"Bullshit! You used me! You pretended to like me just so he could have me!" I yelled.

"N-no I didn't use you Summer. He needs you you're the only one that can save him now so please I'm begging you to stay with him and help him he may seem like a bad guy but when you get to know the real side of him you'll love him." She pleeded.

"Its not like I have a choice anyways." I mumbled going back to watching my show.

"Look when you see past all his damaged, hurt, and angery side he has you'll see how truly amazing and imperfectly perfect he is Summer." She whisperd and I couldn't help agree with her. He was a tottaly diffrent person today he seem so happy and normal making me wonder if he was forcing me to stay or if I just wanted to be with him and help him.

1 hour later..

1 hour and 30 fucking minutes have passed by and Christopher isn't back yet. I've spent 1 hour staring at the ceiling and eating dryed up fruit loops like seriously I get that Christopher is a criminal and has to be careful and all but come on man you can at least buy some damn milk! I mean for crying out loud can-

"I'm back!" a deep vioce called from downstairs.

"No shit sherlock." I wisperd knowing he wouldn't hear as I made my way downstairs.

"Hey." I greeded him when I saw him at the door with like 20 damn boxes.

"Don't." He yelled making me jump back.

"What the fuck did I do now?!" I yelled letting my I'm on my perido moody side come out.

"You do drugs Sumner?! Seriously? It's like your trying to ruin your life like I did!"

"Their not drugs Christopher they actually help me." I side trying to calm him down.

"Bullshit. That's how I started you know saying that they helped me and I could leave them at anytime well guess what Summer! I can't they fucked me up to the point where I hear voices in my head, I'm a fucking serial killer, and I can't even sleep with out dreaming of all those lifes I took for a fucking drug!" he yelled.

"Well I'm not you Christopher. I'm not a pethetic, weak, stupid monster!" I yelled before making my way upstairs "Oh and before you start judging me you might want to ask what I use them for! You'll be inpresed at the thing's you don't know about me!" I yelled and it's true he will. He's counting on me to fix him and help him out of the dark hole he's in but he doesn't even realize I'm broken too, I'm in the same dark hole as him too, and I need to be fixed too.

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