Oneshot 17 - Electric Angel - America

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A/N: Writing Mine All Mine is seriously a pain in the ass...anyways welcome to another oneshot with your favorite character, America! Now you may be wondering, "Is this a rewrite? Why does it have America? What the hell is going on?" Well it's not exactly a rewrite. More like a spinoff.

Basically you see the video above and how it says Electric Angel? Well the video on Oneshot 1 Electric Angel is the Kagamine Rin and Len cover which is sorta more popular than the original Hatsune Miku version. But I didn't know that then since I was dipping my toes in the water which is vocaloid.

Anyways plot? Hetaloid! America and Japan. Japan owns Hetaloid! America and America is attached to Japan's cursor because Japan doesn't own any other Hetaloids since America is easier to tune(which is probably an obvious lie).

Warnings: Nothing bad, just some fluff and a human au with Japan. America is just always called America because that's what his hetaloid is. America. Or heroloid but I like America more.

Ight, let's go.

America was a special one of kind. He had an amazing voice and was cute and adorable. But a lot of people didn't know about him and what he was. Mostly other countries. Well, he was a hetaloid that had become sentient.

He knew his only purpose was to sing and make people happy. And he was perfectly okay with it. He especially loved making his owner, a Japanese man by the name of Kiku Honda, happy.

Everyday after his owner came back from work, he would be waiting in his computer. Without him, the computer wouldn't start, which would make him utterly useless.

But he knew his owner loved him. He would make him sing great songs and then upload them to YouTube and NicoNicodouga. They would get tons of views! Since he was sentient he was able to leave the utau program and go on a bunch of websites.

His favorite thing to do was check on his owner. America liked seeing what he was doing and when he was going to be done. Sometimes he would try to communicate with him, but they all failed. He was only a mere Hetaloid which meant he couldn't really do much but talk and sing, but even talking was hard since his voice was mostly robotic in other songs.

Whenever his owner tuned him though, he sounded clear and almost like a human! Almost was the key word, he didn't have any breath sounds and tuning him was hard so it was always easy to tell he was a hetaloid.

Sometimes, his owner wouldn't come home and he worried a lot that he didn't like him anymore and went to go use some other hetaloid. The computer would still be dark and he would still be stuck in a house that he built out of music notes. Though, the notes together didn't really sound that good...

But then when he woke up again he would see out the webcam that it was morning and that his owner was opening the door. America always got so excited seeing him! But then he would flop down on his small bed. Suit and all, and fall asleep.

Kiku worked at a boring office job. He would sometimes work a whole day, and come back tired. America didn't know what he did at all since he usually avoided being in the way of his work since it was absolutely boring.

On his days off, Kiku would spend the day with him. He would make covers of songs or sometimes draft out new songs for him to sing. He liked seeing his smile whenever he finished a song.

America wished Kiku knew that he was a sentient being now. Sure he has an image of himself, and a lot of fanart and fanfiction(which he personally liked reading), not to mention these things called mmd models, but he doesn't have a physical body.

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