Electric Angel(Oneshot 1)

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A/N: Basically I was listening to a vocaloid song called electric angel and I thought: "hey, what of America and Canada were Angel's and when they appear as their angel forms they basically have this blaring in the background?"

America and Canada were not your typical nations, they were in fact, angels. With their blond hair, eyes you could get lost in forever,and fair skin, they were the angel nations.

Well, in reality, they actually are angels.

They were what you called, Electric Angels. Electric Angels don't have the white wings other angles have and don't have the great wing span.

They have smaller wings that can be colored any color depending on gender, eye color, ect.

They're also cute as fuck. Like seriously, if they ask you to go commit a hate crime, you will do it if they use the killer puppy dog eyes.

Also before use of said wings, they are really small, like tiny, and when they are about to be in use they rip through the clothing they are constricted in and then they fly fly motherfucker.

Well, how did America and Canada become Electric Angels in the first place?

When they were young they had died in different ways. America, being the Salem Witch trials, and Canada, well, he won't say...

Only a few people knew about their true identities.

England: He is a supernatural geek, and he has magic, of course he's gonna know

France: Only cause he accidentally saw Matthew's wings when he was getting dressed

Russia: Fighting during the Cold War, saw his wing through his clothing and kept it a secret ever since

Yes. Only three people know, this is not like with the states, you need to see their bare backs.

So it was meeting like any other meeting. America was shouting and talking loudly over the other nations, England and France were basically about to kill eachother, Russia sat and watched, Germany was about to fucking lose it, Italy was being Italy, China was trying to sell nations suspicious medicine, and Japan was reading a manga.

So yeah, a regular meeting.

Germany was about to keymash when he saw something in the distance. Something big, very big. It was a silhouette.

The lights turned off, shocking every nation, especially Italy.

The sound of the creature made the nations cover their ears in pain. They all looked up to see a hideous creature, with a metallic beak with lots of sharp teeth, claws like steel hooks, enormous wings, and a single eye in the middle of it's forehead.

Matthew and Alfred looked at eachother in utter horror and shock.

"Snallygaster..." They both said at the same time. The nations turned to look at them.

"Is zat what zat ugly creature is?"
France said as he clutched onto his hair and ears.

"Yes, they belong in Virginia, they have sharp claws like hooks, beaks full of teeth, very large wing span..."
America muttered.

"Mattie!" He yelled over the screeching of the creature slowly scratching the glass windows. He motioned for the door and they two dipped out of there.

By then the nations were huddled up against the farthest wall, with any weapons/ White flags out.

Japan noticed that something was out of place.

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