Oneshot 18.1 - Asking The American

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"Oi America! I'll need ya to sit in this absolutely comfy chair." Z motioned to a small chair in the middle of a stage. The American sat down.

"Oh, it is comfy! Where did you get this?" America asked.

'The skin of my enemies!' "Wood." 'No!' "Two trees."

"Oh...okay..?" America said confused.

"Okay anyways, hello fellow hetalians and welcome to a segment I'll be calling, Asking The American! Basically I ask Al here a question and he answers to the best of his abilities." She said fixing a piece of crumpled up paper that was in her pocket.

"No there is no live audience, I didn't want to use a green screen." Z said.

"Sooooo...Alfred, how do you feel about your fangirls? This in includes Rusame fangirls and any other Uke America fangirl." Z said looking down at her paper.

" can be a bit uncomfortable at times to know that people ship you with someone you may or may not be related to, and to the ones you fought against, but other than that I don't mind the motherly ones. It's like I've hot hundreds of moms!" He smiled softly.

"Aw, honey that means alot especially since I consider you my adopted child!" Z smiled.

"Next question! How do you feel about the following ships:




And Japame."

America thought for a second.

"I mean me and Russia do bond over some things like space, but other than that we don't like talk unless we argue."

"For's kinda weird cause like Iggy is always fussing over me like a mother hen, and honestly sure we're like friends since I go to his country a lot but other than that I'm uncomfortable with it."

"Frus. France is like that weird uncle that comes around for birthdays and holidays so we don't talk one on one. I'm still scarred after having him talk to me about the REAL birds and bees." America shuddered.

"Japame... Japan is like my bestfriend! We both like anime and videogames, we hang out a lot, and he's a very close ally. But I can't see us being together." America said.

"Yeah I can relate to being shipped with friends and enemies. Literally one of my friends asks me: "so hows your relationship with insert friends name?" Why am I friends with her? She's bitchy and honestly a bad influence." Z wondered.

"Okay next question. Have you heard of depressed America?"

"Yes and honestly I do have my shitty days but I usually vent to someone about it and take a break." America said.

"That's some great advice. Thanks, cause I always feel like shit." Z said quickly before moving on to the next question.

"Last question. What was it like after most of these chapters?" Z said.

"Well, for smut scenes we didn't have to actually act it out. We got stand ins but for scenes like kissing and falling over we had to act out. And when kiku slapped me with his dick it was very uncomfortable."

"For Oneshot 5 we got a stunt double for me and Amelia actually got a couple of lines in there. Oneshots 8 - 10 we basically took it easy and had a lot of laughs. We're right now working one 11 and after that we're counting production on 7. It was nice working with ya in oneshot 3." America smiled.

"Yeah it was a pleasure to star in my own book. Sure I was sore after I jumped out the window and fell from the ceiling but le gasp 2 was fun." Z smiled. She turned to the empty seats.

"And that ends it for this new segment called Asking The American! So thank you for watching this episode and see ya next week!" Z waved as America smiled and wave. The camera turned off.

"Oh thank god, these chairs are fucking uncomfortable and my face hurts from smiling so much..." Z complained cracking her back.

"Yeah why did we think this was a good idea?" Alfred asked stretching.

"Because content." Z said walking off the stage.

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