Oneshot 4 - Neko? (Japerica)

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A/N: I don't care if it's called JapAme, I like Japerica so fuck you.

Anyways, plot? America gets turned into a neko and calls Japan cause he likes that stuff but oh no! America only knows about the tentical(I can spell) porn and not the neko porn and secretly Japan is hiding his boner!

If this ain't the weirdest shit I've written I don't know what is.

Is is the 69th word.

Okay let's go!

It's not everyday when you wake to find yourself with cat ears and a tail. Well, America found himself in this situation.

He had just woken up that morning, a little drowsy. He had gone to his bathroom to get ready for the day when he passed his mirror. He saw something long and blond wrapping around his leg. He passed the mirror again to get a better look when he saw two furry little blond triangles on his head and a fluffy tail wrapping around his leg.

He tried moving his ears and tail.

'Yep, they're real.' He thought.

He was in a current state of shock since he had seen a tail and ears sprouting from his body.

America quickly picked up his phone and called the first contact he saw.


Japan was reading a manga in his home when his phone rang. He saw the caller ID was his bestfriend America and quickly answered.

Before he could get a word out the was a jumble of words coming out of the phone that could probably beat Italy at his own game.


"U-um, America-Kun, prease speak srower..." Japan said not understanding a single thing.

"Just come to America quick! Oh wait, I am America." America said.

"Why?" Japan said confused at what was going on.

"J-just come quickly!" America said then hung up.

Japan sighed and started to pack.


America waited patiently by his door when he saw a yellow taxi pull up next to his mailbox. Japan stepped out and payed the man before walking over to America.

"Hai Arfred-Kun, what is it that you wanted to show me?"

America motioned Japan into the livingroom making sure the curtains were closed and any windows were locked.

There was only a small lamp on the table but other than that, that was it.

America pulled down the hoodie that he was wearing and behold! The pointy little cat ears.

Japan was speechless. America-Kun had turned into a neko!?

"So uh keeks, I have a little bit of a problem. So I woke up and then I saw these cat ears I also have this tail." He explained pulling out the fluffy blond tail from his sweatpants.

"And I was like what?! Cause I didn't know what to do so I was like, hmm... maybe I should call my good friend keeks so he can help me cause he's into that kinky shit and then a phone call and a flight away here we are!" He said waving his tail in Japan's face.

"I-if you don't mind America-Kun, may I touch?" Japan said quietly blushing.

"Sure dude!" America said as oblivious as always.

Japan slowly reached out for the fluffy appendage that was waving slowly, stilling it. He slowly stroked the tail as America purred and (this seems oddly sexul)

Japan took this as a sign that America liked it as America mewled and purred.

'Just like a cat...' Japan thought smiling softly at the younger nation.

He felt weight on his lap as he saw America rubbing his head underneath Japan's chin.

Japan felt his pants get a size too small. Good thing he was wearing a long long sleeved shirt that reached his thighs.

America didn't seem to notice as he was too busy purring on Japan's lap.

Japan soon let go and America stopped purring.

"Aw~ why'd ya stop?" He pouted.

"Your nairs are digging into my reg America-Kun..." Japan said.

"Oh shit! Sorry dude! I guess I got a bit carried away..." he said looking down, his ears and tail drooping.

"No, no it's okay America-Kun! You didn't mean too!" Japan explained.

"Oh okay, well now we can play this sweet video game I got!" America said bouncing up tail also standing straighter up.

Well my friends for the rest of the week America and Japan just hung out together with Japan getting a boner everytime America looked at him. And when kinku had to go home he basically- yep that's enough.

I feel like I just wrote yaoi and I feel good about it.

Also Japanese honorifics suck

Kun- Male honorific, used when referring to males in general of junior status

Anyways bye!

I like floof

America: Japan why do you have a boner?

Japan: no reason.

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