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Hi, hello, bonjour. I'm back. Currently I'm working on a new Oneshot 11 and I'm not sure if I wanna scrap the part 3 to I Love You. Mine All Mine or You're Mine is slowly I development, but fuck the date that I set I haven't even finished the damn chapter yet.

So to get all these negative vibes outta the way, I have some fun headcanons for everyone! Some may be fun, some might not be so fun. But oh well, it fits this oneshot book.

1. The nations have select days where they just go bat shit crazy during meetings. The staff working there get an extra pay those days and basically get the day off just so they don't accidentally get a table or a person thrown at them.

2. The nations are basically a big dysfunctional family with political drama. It's like, some of them like eachother to a certain extent, and some of them hate eachother. There is no extent they just hate eachother.

3. Hetalia is an actual thing in their universe and they're fucking afraid of the fanfics.

4. All nations except for younger nations are a little bit on the sad side. A lot of the nations don't show it in order to be a positive source. You get bored and sad after being alive for 300-4000 years. Sure technology is evolving and that's fun and all, but they want to be able to live like actual humans instead of personifications.

5. They've all banged eachother at least once. Once back in ye olden days before America and Canada were a thing, some of the nations had a gigantic orgy. Conveniently 9 months later they found America and Canada. They're still sorta suspicious.

6. They, they play among us.

7. They, they have family game nights which results in some bones being broken and Prussia being thrown out the window.

8. I don't like the shippers Japan and Hungary because of how creepy it would be irl. Not to mention drawing porn of them, writing fanfics, and blatantly stalking them is kinda really creepy. So in my universe, they don't do that.

9. Sometimes some nations happen upon two - all nations in a meeting room going at it like dogs. They either A. Yell player (insert number) has joined the game or B. They silently leave with a small thumbs up of approval.

10. Sometimes the workers at the meeting hall have to take the nations on field trips to the zoo or aquarium. China signs all the permission slips.

11. They all have affectionate nicknames for eachother such as:

Rat man
Dick Cheese
Pipe whip out
Little Shit Nugget
Little Bitch Nugget

I legit want y'all to guess who's who.

12. America once came into the meeting dressed as a hippie and to this day he still doesn't remember. The nations present use it as black mail.

13. All the nations England and France colonised t-pose around them once a year. England and France try to run or hide. Once, they even dug underground to get away from them. They still get caught.

14. Sometimes Spain's ass gets stuck in door ways. It's like What Are You Doing Step Bro but without the rape and it's Help Me Romano.

Yeah that's all I got. I'll probably come back whenever i have a new headcanon. But yeah, new oneshot will probably be published by next week, next month, or next year. So...see ya I guess.

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