Oneshot 7 - Acne

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A/N: Plot? America has acne and England comes to vist at the wrong time. Ight let's go.

It was a Saturday afternoon and the American was still sleeping soundly. He snored on and on and a content was on his face. Suddenly the urge to wake up soon came and the American opened his baby blue eyes to the world. He yawned and stretched, his back giving the satisfying pop.

He drowsily made his way to his bathroom to get ready for a day of relaxing when he saw red scars or, wait a second, hold the phone was he breaking out? He knew he shouldn't have tested China's weird ass face cream for him.

He sighed as he brushed his teeth, took a shower and ate breakfast? Lunch? He didn't know it was like 1:34 pm. He shuffled out of his home and went to the nearest target to get something for his acne.

~○Time skip○~

The teen got home and quickly applied the face mask on.

'One hour? Hmm...what am I gonna do till then? Watch a movie maybe? Call Mattie? Scroll through my recommendations and see what the hell YouTube thinks I wanna watch?'

Alfred heard the doorbell ring and he looked out from one of the windows in his livingroom. He saw the familiar mop of unkept blond hair and panicked. So without thinking he grabbed a paper bag,drew a face on it,put it over his head,and wobbled to the door.

He clumsily opened the door and greeted the brit who was in front of him.

"Hey Iggy! What bring ya here? " he said confidently finding where the doorframe was and leaning on it.

"Well I've come for a vist and why on earth do you have a paper bag with an erotic face drawn on it with sharpie?" England asked very concerned

"Mm, no reason just felt like it." Alfred said quickly. 'Haha nailed it!'

"Well I'm just going to invite myself in..." Arthur said moving his way past Alfred.

"Ok dude!" Alfred was walking out the door.

"Wrong way."


It was oddly quiet in the livingroom of the American as Arthur sat on one of the chairs reading. Though, he was kinda freaked out cause that paper bag was staring at him. Was Alfred sleeping? No he was ok his phone looking at cute pups and kits.

Then America's phone set of an alarm.
It was time to wash this cream off his face.

"I have the sudden urge to wash my hands." He said as he got up, bumped into the wall and found his way to the bathroom.

He took off his bag and put it on the sink neatly next to him as washed the cream off his face which took like 5 mins(it was a thick cream no get your mind outta the gutter) and he saw that it was clearing up so that was good. He put the bag back on his head and waddled back out into the livingroom, again, bumping into a wall

-Meanwhile With Arthur-

Arthur wondered how long it took ti wash ones hands since it had been about 5 mins. He felt like Alfred was hiding something underneath the bag. He didn't know what exactly but if he had to forcefully remove that bag then he would.

He saw the American bump into another wall and feel around for his seat as he sat down. Arthur had an idea.

"America I've been called back to London, so I need to leave." Arthur said.

"Oh okay Arthur I'll lead you out the door!" Alfred said getting up and bumping into his potted plant which still stood strong and made his way to the door.

Arthur quickly cut in front of him and opened the door.

"Bye Iggy!" Alfred waved.

"Bye Alfred." Arthur said before stepping next to Alfred.

Alfred closed the door.

'Yes! Now's my chance!' Arthur thought.

England quickly pinned America to the ground, flipped him on his back and pinned his arms above him.

"Wait what?" Alfred asked very confused.

Arthur quickly removed the bag and-

"Wait, what?" Arthir said as he saw Alfred's acne.

The two blinked at eachother before England fangirled.

"My baby brother is all grown up! He finally went through the final stages of puberty awwww!" Arthur said still basically having Alfred in the stereotypical uke position.

"Iggy!" Alfred said blushing.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've gotten you something from the store?" England asked.

"Well- I-I-u-m-" Alfred tried to find the words for, I was embarrassed and please get off of me but alas English left his vocabulary.

Just then the door opened.

"Hey Alfie I-" he saw Alfred. On the floor. With his hands pinned. By England. He was blushing. England looked at him. They both looked at him. Who was him? Canada.

"I-I'll just leave you two to finish..." he said quietly shutting the door.

'Shit.' Was what went through all of their minds.
No this isn't UkUs shut up. Anyways no one writes about America having acne so I wanna be the first. I don't know how acne works I haven't gotten acne yet.

Well I'm done here. This was a short one cause yall need something to read so yeah bye imma take a shower.

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