Oneshot 21 - Nyo!Rusame - Carry Me?!

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REMINDER: This was written before the situation with Ukraine, Russia, and the U.S!

A/N: This is my second time writing this cause the formatting was messy. Like, seriously messy. So anyway, now that I've got my Grammarly keyboard on, I'm ready to write about tall nyo Russia x America!

Warnings: Idk, tall women?

Aight, let's go!

It was your average chaos-filled meeting day at your average meeting building with your average workers and your average nations. Of course, our favorite nations were once again causing chaos to insure, but it was a bit more of "lay back and relax," rather than "cause chaos and look pretty."

Anya Braginsky, our protagonist for today, decided it was time for a test. A test of strength. Her eyes scanned around the room. Nations were conversing with one another, eating, sleeping, taking notes, aka relaxing. All of these nations were...short. They were short to her at least.

You see, Ms. Russia was an astounding 6 foot 4. If she didn't already have a job as a representative of her nation, then she could've probably played in the NBA or something.

Since she was 6'4, she stood over most, if not all of the other nations. Even the 5'11 nations only really came up to her neck, and micronations like Sealand and Wy? They only came up to her waist.

She understood why she was so tall. She was the personification of Russia. If she wasn't tall then who would be? It only made sense.

Because of her height, almost everyone kept their distance. Almost everyone was afraid of her in some way. Afraid of her shovel, afraid of her height, afraid of her personality...It was getting tiresome seeing the nations run from her.

Though, there was one nation who did show an emotion other than 'I'm about to shit my pants' fear. And that nation? Alfred F. Jones, the personification of The United States of America. A snarky, hyperactive, young man. He didn't show fear, most of the time he just showed stupidity.

He challenged her, to petty arguments, to who could make the fastest rocket, and other things. They were equals, they both knew that, but they still wanted to challenge eachother, to see who was better at what, to see which out of the two was stronger. And since they were equals, it was always like an experiment. Were they actually equals, or was there a hidden power imbalance?

And so, for today's experiment, one that they haven't done before, would be a test of strength. She honestly expected America to initiate first due to his hate of losing, but he never did. So for today, she would be initiating. Of course she would wait, as for no one to get hurt in this experiment, so she would have to hold him after the meeting. Literally.


It was the end of the meeting. 'Finally...Experiment 822 is finally starting...'

Anya got up out of her seat and dusted her coat off. She always payed attention, payed attention to what everyone was wearing, when they arrived, and when the left. Germany and Italy were the first to go, followed by Japan and China, England and France were second and third to last, and her and America were the last two to leave.

With that knowledge, she knew that no one would be able to witness Experiment #822, or E-822. So now, no one could potentially get hurt, and she could ask America to participate in this experiment.

"United States of America." She said as she stood over him. He looked up from his phone, blue eyes staring into her own violet eyes.

"Russian Federation." He said, turning off his phone and standing up from his seat. Even with his height, he was still only 5'9.6 exactly, and Anya was still 6'4, so he had to look up.

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