Part 3

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The tape started up again.

''It has been a week senes I was taken' The thought in his cell, he was holding something but they didn't know what.

UF Undyine: "HAY! We're missing a few tapes!"
Sic: "Some of the tapes were to damaged to play."

' I'm starting to miss home-'Suddenly a flash of memory came crashing in, it was of a woman white boned skeleton with yellow tear marks yelling at him, and a male skeleton with black boned skeleton with blue tear marks raising an empty beer bottle above him. He looked at the crack on his arm.
He started to tear up again but then flashbacks of his siblings came in. A black boned skeleton with white splotches and purple tear marks, the oldest. A Papyrus looking skeleton with black bones and yellow tear marks, not the youngest but still younger then Error. A white boned skeleton with blue tear marks that faded into yellow with specks if sparkles, they gave it a galaxy look of sorts. They were all smiling and laughing. He gave a small smile to no one in particular.
He had gotten used to the check ups every morning and night, but not the testing or experiments, you don't know what will happen of if you'll make it out alive, but one this for sure, it was always painful.

Everyone turned to the black boned skeleton with concern in there eyes. How could someone not remember this!? Oh wait Handplates.

There were others here to, some older, some younger.

UT Toriel: "Oh my goodness! There are younger children in there?!" She was mad.
UF Toriel: "I'm going to BURN every scientist in there!"
US Toriel: "I would call an army if this was still happening."
US Asgore: "Agreed."
UT Asgore: "Also agreed"
SS Sans: "Also, Also agreed."

There was a system in this lab, the oldest work human or monster, together to take care of the younger children, and the oldest person was the leader, or 'Guardian' of us all, I was one of the older of the bunch, on the first day he joined the group, and as soon as joined some kids instantly called him mom. That was actually nice...

Epic: "Aww!"

Yesterday, one of the scientists brought in a baby... a damn baby. He abruptly handed it to me. "This is your new test, take care if it." He said handing me a bag of baby clothes, a baby bottle, water, and formula He looked down at the baby, a small sticky said there name. "Frisk..." the flashback ends and he was in his cell. Holding the ones unknown object on his arms, it was the baby.

Core Frisk: "So that is the Frisk of that Universe."
Red: "Why in the flunking world would they intrust a baby in Error's care?! Oi Fresh stop censoring me!"
Fresh: "No can do my un-rad brosif!"

The baby started crying, they were hungry, so he got the formula and water, mixed it, heated it with the little magic that hasn't been restrained. He started feeding it, as soon at the baby was done, he burped the baby like his mom did with his little sister wen she was a baby. Frisk let out a little burp, then a yawn before falling asleep, he looked at the small younger one and held them close. "I will protect and provide for you for the rest of my life, my little terror." It would be a hassle trying to take care of a baby but he wouldn't give up, he would protect them for as long as he could. He started dosing of, he let sleep consume him.

Chara's: "Awww! So that is wen you started using the term 'Little Terrors'"
Error: "Guess so my little terrors"
Ink: "I didn't notice how much you act like a mom!"
Horror: "HAH! I told you he would agree! Dust you owe me $20 bucks!"
Dust: "Damn it!"
Error: "Guys! I told you not to bet on me!"
Dust + Horror: "Ok mom, sorry."
Dream spits out his tea that he seemingly got out of nowhere.
Dream: "You call him MOM?!?!"
Killer: "Yah? So what, we also call Nightmare Dad."
Dream: "DAD?!?"
Nightmare: "Not in front of Dream!"
Blue: "Let's just take a break for everyone to recover."
All nodded.

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