Part 2

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The screen showed a male monster with an all white coat with pockets to his sides, he looked like a Gaster but abouta foot taller which is unbelievably tall, he had a purple outline and his eye was purple but with no scar.

Fell: "His damn growth hormones need to calm the Funk down- HAY STOP CENSORING ME!"
Fresh: "No can do bruh!"
Cross: "He kinda looks like my Gaster!"
X-Chara: "No he's to tall."
Dream: "He looks like a scientist."
Classic Undyne: "Can we just continue?! I want a reason to spare that Destroyer!"
Everyone nodded and continued.

"Bring in the new subject." He sounded serious and cold, his voice was deeper then The Mariana Trench it was smooth to. Then they brought in a child wearing a hospital gown with sleeves, the child was a Skeleton, he look malnourished and too small even for a skeleton child, but the child wasn't just anyone, it was Error!  He was struggling against the people who are holding him, tears were streaming down his already stained face.

Ink: "Oh my goodness! Is that Error?! He's so small!"
Sci: "He is very small... to small even for a child."
Toriel: "who was in charge of feeding him?! He looks so frail!"
Error: "What is that guy going to do?"
Nightmare: "I don't know..."

"Drop him." The individuals through him on the ground in front of the freakishly tall scientist. "What is your name."
It sounded more like a demand then a question. "E-Error, a-and wh-who a-are you?" Scientist look slightly surprised and looked at the small skeleton. "My name is not important. I want you to tell me about your home life from your perspective, I already know about your family members, so talk about your house experiences so future tests won't be as harsh as intended in case there are somehow linked with the trauma or abuse you may have from home."

Blue: "T-Trauma?"

Error's eyes widened "How do you know that?!" The tall scientist looked at Error. "I know a few thing, but I didn't know about the abuse. Now can you being telling me what exactly happened at your household?" "Dad came home one night drunk, and took it to far, mom blames me and doesn't give me food often, so my siblings give me food sometimes..."
The scientist looked up from his clipboard wen after he was done writing what down what Error said. "Is your father the cause for the crack on the side of your head?" Error shook his head. "No, that was mom, she hit me with her cane, dad b-broke my arm...." he began crying a little. "Well then, your father nor your mother will find you now. I guess you could say your safe from them but not from what's in here."

Everyone was shocked and most were covering there mouths with there hands.
Error: "so that's were I got the cracks."
Horror: "wait you still have the cracks?"
Error: "Yah look." *shows small crack.*

"Now sleep..." something scented had hit Errors 'noses', and the screen started fading to black.

Reaper: "I guess we put another tape in?"
Dream: "Hold on I think some people need a break from the shock."
Core Frisk: "Are you ok?"
Error: "yah, I just need a minute..."

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