Chapter 21

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It takes me seven days to feel calm, safe, relaxed and like me again. That said those three little words are still running through my mind. The seven days I have spent at home have taken us into December, so I still have a month until the New Year and my deadline to decide what I am going to do. By then I will have either met Brent’s deadline and be mated to Liam or Peters’ deadline and no longer an obstacle for him and his daughter.

On the second day of being at home I had gone to see Mandy but she was sleeping. Even so I had just stuck my head in, just to reassure myself that she was really okay, and then left again, the next day Harry took her out of the country for some sun, relaxation and recovery time, so I haven’t seen or even spoken to my brave best friend. Deep down though I don’t think he will bring her back until all of this is over and whilst I’ll miss her I know that she will be safe if she isn’t here. If only I had that guarantee for all of the people I loved.

On the fourth day I realised that Gray and I hadn’t spoken a syllable to each other since the events in the kitchen. We had barely made eye contact and were actually avoiding each other. 

On the sixth day I missed Liam, enough for it to hurt a little.

It’s the third of December now, and it’s Liam’s birthday in five days. I don’t want us to still be in this place when the eighth of December rolls around, this is the first of his Birthdays that I will be celebrating and I don’t want to start this tradition on a low note.

Since I kicked him out a week ago I haven’t really spoken to him either, we have sent the odd text, checked up on each other, but we haven’t shared a real conversation. So with this in mind I know that it is past time that I stop hiding and go home.

I jumped into the car an hour later, Adam already sat at the wheel, without even saying goodbye to my twin, he has a decision to make and until he does our relationship is in his hands.

My parent’s hadn’t put up a fight when I had told them I was leaving but I did get a disappointed look of my mother. Through everything that has happened they have both been so supportive and helpful, but I didn’t think that that help had an expiration date, I didn’t that the support would run out. I no longer know if I can turn to my mum for help, if she will help me, and that hurts a lot.

 The car purrs to life and I curl up in a ball on the seat in the back, I knew he wouldn’t let me in the front after last time, my heart is beating furiously and even my palms feel sweaty. I shouldn’t be this nervous to see Liam but here I am, I try to control my breathing, like I have been taught, but my emotions are truly in charge at the moment. Good job this isn’t a life or death situation.

The car ride feels quicker than normal and that just isn’t fair, the one time I could do with it dragging out it speeds by, the familiar sound of gravel crunching as we pass the gates onto the long driveway.

He turns the engine off at the front door but neither of us move. “I’m glad you’re going back.” He says decisively, looking straight ahead out the windscreen.

“I don’t know what I’m doing.” I say to the back of his head. “I want to keep my family safe…”

“And leaving might do that, but then what about the rest of the pack?”

“What about them?” It wasn’t them that were threatened. It was my family, my friends.

“Sure they will have Liam. They will always have Liam but they will have Peters too. His pack will be forever linked with ours and we have seen first-hand how cruel he is. Is it fair to leave the pack to him knowing what we know?”

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