Chapter Seventy-Seven

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I squirmed as much as I could kicking my legs as he carried me closer to the river, by the looks of it he wasn't even going to give me time to get undressed he was ready to toss me in fully clothed. No matter how much I wriggled he got nearer and nearer until he made it to the very edge hovering me over the water, I grabbed onto his neck looking back at him my eyes fluttering begging for him to put me down.

"Don't you fucking dare Draco I swear to Merlin I'll-"Before I even managed to finish my sentence he threw me in, the sunlight that was strong just seconds ago became a blur, my arms frailing against the cold water that steals the last remaining heat from my skin. Bubbles brush my cheek and before I knew it, I arose gasping for air my hair completely covering my sight, I stood up the water stopping just above my chest. I looked down to see my black slip dress flowing above my knees in the clear water, it was refreshing to say the least.

I swam back over to the ledge whimpering as if I was hurt, this alerted Draco making him crouch down concerned that I had done something while in the water. I reached the rocks and rubbed my eyes drawing him in closer, he frowned his eyes scanning the river behind me looking for any signs of a struggle. As he did, I grabbed his arm tugging him in with me, he toppled over the edge being completely submerged under the water. It only took a few seconds before he shot back up again flicking his now ashy blonde hair out of his eyes, his shirt was tight to his chest still wearing his suite- bar his blazer that was still resting on the log.

"Didn't think you were the gullible type?" I sneered as he stood there glaring at me but just before I managed to let out a small chuckle, he came diving towards me, I managed to dodge him trying to swim away as fast as I could, but he grabbed my ankle pulling me back. I kicked my feet splashing the water feeling his grip loosen, as it did, I pushed off of him and dove under; I was always able to swim better underwater.

As I did, I took a quick glance behind me seeing Draco right at my tail, but just as I thought I was able to escape him I found myself cornered in a small cove of rocks, nervously I scanned around me, but I was stuck. I turned around not able to hold my breath much longer, my hair flowing elegantly around me, my eyes widening as I saw Draco swimming towards me faster than I could run. I backed up into the rock closing my eyes as I felt him grab my waist chucking me back up above the water, I fumbled around but he held me tight against the rocks.

"Didn't think you were the type to get yourself cornered?" He mimicked; I rolled my eyes trying to hide my smile by turning away from him. He had my arms pinned to the rocks, droplets of waters falling from the strands of hair that fell in front of his face, this was the closest he'd been to me in a while since we haven't really saw much of each other since I got back to the manor and if we did it'd usually end up in some sort of argument.

I forgot the glimmer of secrecy that was permanently imbedded into his gaze, his misty eyes reflected mine the deeper I got lost in them. His black shirt was plastered to him as if the water were restraining his body revealing his skinny yet toned stomach. I wrapped my legs around his waist my dress brushing his suite pants, his grip became weak letting my arms free moving his hands to my lower back.

I placed my arms around his shoulders and watched a his eyes flooded with desire, I felt the cold water splash against my back as he moved further away from the wall. He drew closer tilting his head slightly feeling his hot breath on my top lip, though just as his chapped lips intertwined with mine, I slowly let go of his shoulders raising my arms high as I arched back. I dove backwards under the water my hair following the rhythm of the current as I swam deeper reaching his legs, I parted them and swam through pushing myself up, so I was now standing behind him.

I brushed my hair back out of my face and grabbed his neck pulling him behind making him topple backwards into the water, I laughed as I watched him get swallowed by the river his stark blonde hair becoming a deeper shade of grey. He swam up disorientated gasping for air as he spun aimlessly trying to find me, it took him a minute before I was finally spotted, he gave me no time before he threw himself on top of me the water now consuming the both of us.

I squirmed as his arms wrapped around my waist weighing me down to the bottom of the water, it was difficult for me to hold my breath by how much I wanted to laugh so I slapped his back fumbling to reach the surface. I watched as my hair got tangled in is rings, he looked down yanking the strands of hair from being knotted, once he finally was able to unlatch them, he trailed his hands back down to my waist slowly beginning to pull me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we neared the surface, the dress now suffocating me it was that tight to my body.

We both shot up and for the first time ever I saw what looked to be a genuine smile, not a smirk or a snarl or a sneer, a look of happiness seemed to fulfil him, something that for the years I've known him I've never seen before. I felt an overwhelming sensation of achievement knowing that I may have been the reason why, he was oblivious to my abrupt expression and just for a split second he let his guard down.

Though before I even got to chance to fully look at him, he caught on and immediately snapped out of it as if it were forbidden for him to reveal his emotions, made him feel weak, it frustrated me, but I couldn't get the look out of my head and I was glad I was even able to get a glimpse of it. His eyes then landed back on mine the creases from his smile now gone, like they were never even there in the first place, I looked up at him in awe of his face desperate to feel his lips on mine. He leaned towards me gesturing for me to do the same, water droplets merging together as they fell from our hair to the tips of our noses.

Just as I raised my head to press against his rough lips he paused as if something just came over him, the lust that filled his eyes faded draining him from pleasure. He glanced away to the side getting distracted by the fire that was gradually settling into a small pit of smoke, I sighed placing my forehead onto his chest hearing the faint beating of his heart. We both stood for a moment, I didn't understand what changed his mind wondering if I done something that may have put him off, but I couldn't think off anything.

For a brief moment we both lost all sense of reality, ever since I left Hogwarts I thought I lost the ability to be immersed in my own bubble forgetting about anything and everything that was happening around me, it was just the two of us and that was rare. I had never seen Draco like that before, it slipped from me that he wasn't totally numb, he had emotions just like me, he just chose not to show them, yet for the first time and maybe the last he finally showed them.

Yet it was over as fast as it happened, he was consumed once again by his thoughts nipping at his brain scolding him for breaking down the guard they spent ages building, it showed how fast he was able to switch, a second ago he made it out as if I finally made him happy but the small glimmer of hope that burnt inside of me was quickly put out after all the effort of it finally being able to flicker. I wanted nothing more than to stay here forever, away from the manor, away from danger, away from everyone but I knew that'd never happen.

"Get cleaned up, I know somewhere we can find a wand" His voice was as it was before, cold and insistent but this time I knew it was just an attempt to mask his desire, it was difficult to listen to, but I didn't fight it, just accepted it like an old friend. I bit the inside of my lip and shut my eyes wanting to cherish this moment as much as I could before we fell back into the harsh reality. I sighed faintly nodding my head it dropping down as he parted from me, he made his way out of the water picking up his blazer and getting lost in the trees leaving me standing there alone surrounded by a sea of sadness reminding me of what I lost out on.

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