Chapter Seventy-Three

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"Familiar, is she?" Bellatrix asked curiously as I looked down at the floor clearly agitated trying to avoid looking Hermione in the eye, I didn't speak a word not wanting to give anything away. It was always best to stay quiet in situations like these, head down, mouth shut, whats the worst that could happen?

"Tell me! Do. You. Know. Her" Her shriek pierced through my ear drum and out the other making me jump just by how loud she was, my mouth was dry, and throat was tight, I couldn't speak. I knew both Draco and his parents where still in the room as I felt them staring at me from behind though they didn't dare say anything after they saw what she was capable off.

"What about you girl? And this time I want an answer" Bellatrix shifted her focus back on Hermione digging her wand into her neck to threaten her, I watched as her eyes began to water and hand clasped tightly to the wall the tension building up throughout her entire body. Hermiones eyes met mine, her pupils shrunk, and eyes widened, petrified, for a moment I'd have wished she'd had just told Bellatrix the truth to stop her from suffering.

"No. I- I don't" Hermione said her voice trembling as she looked back at Bellatrix, after everything shes still protecting me, a part of me wished she'd just hand me over, after all thats what I deserve but the fact shes denying knowing me for my protection hurt me even more than anything else.

"Is that so?" Bellatrix lowered her wand now eyeing me, it was clear she wasn't convinced, I gave it away by my reaction, it was far too suspicious. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to Hermione so our noses where basically touching, she grabbed both of our heads holding them tightly together so we had no choice but to look deeply into one anothers eyes, both as traumatised as each other.

My lip quivered as a single tear fell from Hermiones eye once pools of warm honey, now it was nothing but looking into the dark abyss. I pulled my head back not able to bare looking at her much longer without breaking the silence. I turned my back away from them both now locking eyes with Draco, he stood silently just staring at me not having the guts to move even though I stared back at him in as my last call for help.

"You wouldn't mind holding her down, would you? Shouldn't be any trouble since you don't know the girl." Bellatrix insisted while placing her cold hand on my shoulder, I closed my eyes just wanting this all to be over. I didn't have a choice, I turned around and approached Hermione gently grabbing her wrist and lowering her to the floor. She didn't fight, she complied knowing it would be easier if we just done as we were told.

"Now we have a little catching up to do, I suggest you escort your boys outside and leave me with the girls" Bellatrix sniggered gesturing for Narcissa to leave, she faintly nodded while Lucius left without hesitation. Narcissa looked down at me her eyes filled with remorse grabbing Dracos hand knowing that she had to do what was best for him though it looked as if leaving me was just as difficult.

"But mother I cant just-"Draco looked back at Narcissa refusing to move knowing that if he did I'd be left alone with Bellatrix not being able to see what she had planned for us both. His voice broke and eyes slowly soaked with anguish finally showing the slightest bit of care.

"Draco" Narcissas soft voice spoke nothing more than a single word but some how that word, his name, managed to persuade and warn him of what was to happen if he didn't obey her demands. Just as they both walked out Draco turned looking at me one last time the light from the window reflecting through his glazed eyes drowning in weakness, for the first time he wasn't in control.

I held Hermione to the floor gently holding her arms in place looking over at the fireplace behind me not wanting to look at her face knowing that I wouldn't be able to cope, I was nothing but a coward but I couldn't bring myself to so anything about it. Once the door shut Bellatrix spun taking in a huge waft of air before an ominous grin began take over her face as she skipped over to the both of us. Bellatrix lifted her black heeled boot nearing Hermiones face, the soul of her shoe pressed harshly on Hermiones cheek pushing her entire head to the side.

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