Chapter Seventy-Two

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"They have him, bringing him here to the manor" I said my eyes following Draco as he paced silently up and down the hall, for the first time it looked like I found out before he did. I bit my nails anxiously just waiting for a response even though there wasn't much else to say, he looked to be just as unnerved as I was which was unusual.

"How can you be sure?" He spat as he flung his hand to the floor coming to a halt, he spun now facing me fidgeting with his rings. My eyebrows furrowed as I was taken back by his profound reply, surely he can't be serious.

"For fucks sake Malfoy I know what I heard, clear as day." I was now coming across as a lot more irritated baffled to why he'd bother questioning my reliability, we hadn't much time before they got here and neither of us knew what was to happen.

"Explain it to me-"

"I already have four times"

"Again." This time he wasn't as hesitant, his vigorous yet insistent tone making me think he wasn't going to take no for an answer, I took a deep breath in attempt to control how impatient I was, after all an argument is the last thing we needed right now.

"Lucius, I heard him speaking to this person, 'Wormtail', he told him that they where bringing them to the manor. When Wormtail left and I heard your father mutter something that sounded like 'please be the boy', its Harry. I'm sure of it." I spoke with confidence this time positive I was right, luckily it looked that Draco actually believed me for once, well I mean he hadn't really any choice.

"Draco, come here boy" Lucius' voice echoed through the entire house, both our heads shot towards the stairs knowing exactly what he wanted the second he called his name. I looked back up at Draco who was stood frozen for a second, frozen in his own thoughts probably trying to come up with some quick solution that could get him out of it, but there wasn't one.

"Stay here" He was stern but I could tell he was just as nervous, he wiped his sweaty palms on his suit pants his eyes being glued to the floor, for a second it looked as if he wasn't going to go but he began to slightly nod to himself in attempt to prepare for the worst.

"Don't be so ridiculous Draco, I'm coming with you" I said as I began to race behind him trying to catch up to his quick pace, we reached the top of the stairs and I grabbed a hold of the banister ready to catch up with him as he stormed off though before I was able to take the first step I came to a sudden halt.

"It wasn't a choice Ceradwin, you'll do as I say." His hand wrapped around the banister laying firmly on top of mine pushing me into it giving me no space to move even an inch. "And thats final" I was on the step below, so he was towering over me, his other hand reached for my face and trailed my jawline before forcing my chin up for me to look at him.

He stayed put his eyes seeping right through me, I knew he wouldn't budge until I agreed, so I did. I nodded my head hesitantly while clenching my jaw as tension built up within me, he looked me up and down before letting go of my chin making it drop to the floor. I watched as he stormed off down the stairs making is way to the drawing room, I briefly scanned the hall before following on. Stupid to believe I'd actually do as I'm told.

I crept down the hall and reached the door that was slightly open peering through the crack, there stood Ron and Hermione both being detained by a snatcher, I saw both Lucius and Narcissa standing by the fire-place now being joined by Draco. I followed where their eyes were drawn to and landed on who looked to be Harry though his face looked off almost swollen, he was being held down to the floor by Bellatrix who had a firm grip of his hair pointing the wand to his neck.

Draco hesitantly approached Harry the sound of his black dress shoes hitting the dark oak floor echoing in the now silent room, "Well?" Bellatrix asked eagerly now tugging Harry insistently by his hair so Draco could get a better view of him. That was when it hit me, they wasn't actually sure if the boy was Harry or not, none of them knew what he looked like apart from us, after all they had to be 100% certain before they was able to give him over.

"I can't be sure" Draco turned his head away from Harry not able to look at his deformed face for any longer but I was taken back to why Draco denied knowing him, he knew it was Harry but he still refused to confirm it. He always had something against him and this was the perfect opportunity to finally hand him over and be rewarded for it yet he didn't, instead he was acting completely clueless towards the whole thing, when the moment finally arouse he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Look closely son, if we are the ones to hand Potter over to the Dark Lord everything will be forgiven, it'll all be as it was. You understand?" Lucius mumbled as his hand rubbed the back of Draco's neck almost pressuring him into confirming Harry identity, he timidly nodded his head to assure he understood his glare being intense and coercing.

"Now we won't be forgetting who actually caught him I hope Mr Malfoy" One of the snatches added overhearing the conversation with Lucius and Draco clearly wanting just as much credit as they thought they deserved.

"You dare to talk to me like that in my own house!" Lucius shouted clearly offended by the comment, his harsh tone billowed through the whole house making me and the rest of the people in the room be quite taken back. "Lucius" Narcissa whispered placing her hand on his shoulder in attempt to calm him down, she pulled him away from Draco leaving him again standing alone looking down at Harry.

"Don't be shy sweety, come over" Bellatrix gently held Draco's hand insisting he'd get a closer look, her painful attempt at coming across kindly didn't at all mask her persistence. "Now, if this isn't who we think it is Draco and we call him, he'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure"

"What's wrong with his face?" Draco asked as he crouched down now eye level with Harry, so he was able to get a clearer look at him, his voice was shaky not at all as it usually was."Yes, what is wrong with his face?" Bellatrix commanded shooting hardened stares at the snatchers.

"He came to us like that, something he picked up in the forest I reckon"

"Ran into a stinging jinx, was I you deary? Give me her wand, we'll see what her last spell was" Bellatrix let go of Harry and slowly began to waltz over to Hermione fiddling with her wand in attempt to intimidate her though as they shifted over to the side it revealed another snatcher this time holding something, though I couldnt quite see what it was.

"What's that? Where did you get that from?"

"It was in her bag as we searched her, reckon its mine now" Before he was able to take one last breath Bellatrix flung her wand making him fall back into the wall so she was now holding what looked to be a sword, she spun around aimed her wand at the rest of the snatchers making them both fall to the ground gasping for air.

"Go! Get out!" She screamed at them, it took no time for them to get up practically scrambling towards the door, I hadn't any time to move so just stood as they all fled around me leaving me standing there exposed in the doorway. I had all eyes now on me, I was frozen in fear just staring at Bellatrix who had a hold of a dauntingly sharp sword that faced the floor.

"Ah, this one belong to you Draco?" I glanced over at him who was stood next to Lucius in shock to what had just happened his face now turning even paler than it already was, he cleared his throat and looked down at the floor slightly nodding in agreement. Bellatrix gestured for me to come in holding out her hand for me to take as I cautiously approached her, her menacing smile put me on edge as I stood next to her silently.

"Put the boys in the cellar, I want a little conversation with this one. Girl to girl." She spat leading me towards Hermione as Narcissa took both Harry and Ron down to the same basement Luna was in, my eyes locked with Hermiones, glassy and desperate instantly infiltrating me with guilt.

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