First day

540 14 5

It was a peacefull day at district 10. The birds were singing, flowers were booming. On days like this kids like you should have been


Vietnam was preparing to go to the center of the village. They were about to pick a person who was going to the Hunger games.

Only people from districts participate in the Hunger Games. They were played once every year. People from district 1 are rich but they still have to participate. People from districts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are average. They are not poor, or rich. People from districts 8, 9 and 10 are poor. They hunt for food and they live in villages. Vietnam is from district 10. That is the poorest district. But he got used to it. But people from Capitals act like everything belongs to them. Capitals and districts had war but the capitals won. So the people from Capitals organized the Hunger games for the people from districts.

The Hunger games are about killing. All the people who were picked go to the arena. There are animals to hunt, there are rivers for water. The weapons are all in the middle. There are also backpack's with water and stuff that can help you survive. There  are also big boxes of vegetables, fruit and bread.

Each person from the age 12-18 are elected. When your 12, you put your name in the box 1 time, when your 13 you put your name in 2 times and so on. When it is June, all the people gatter up in the center of the village and  person from the people who organized the Hunger games pulls out 2 names from the box and those 2 people has to participate in the Hunger games representing their district.

Vietnam finally arrived in the center of the village. He was scared but he didn't show it. All the people who are in the age of 12-18 form a line. Vietnam was 15. He had a little brother called Laos ( I know there are not brothers but I needed someone to be his little brother or sister so I just putted Laos in the story). Laos was 12. It was his 1. time being there. The person at the stage slowly picked a name from the box. He read it as his lips formed a smile. He opened his mouth to read the paper.......

I am sorry but I am giving you a cliffhanger. Please comment who you think he was pick!!! I hope you enjoyed this and Happy early Christmas!!! Bye!!!

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