Chapter 13

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-The Next Morning-

I wake up and realize that I am on Tom's chest but this time I don't move I feel comfortable and safe I want to feel like this all the time I want to feel his skin against mine I want to feel my head on his chest I want to feel comfortable and safe. a couple of minutes later he woke but I didn't realize I was too busy in my thoughts.

"Morning." I hear him say

"Oh, your up!" I say sitting up but he grabs me softly by my shoulders and pulls me back on his chest.

"Yes I'm up and I want you to stay here I feel comfortable," He says as he starts to cuddle me.

I smile and relax myself

"You know if you want us to happen we have to keep it a secret from my father so you can't tell anyone do you understand?" he says demanding.

"Why do you care cause everyone thinks you have no emotion," I say

"I happen to like you a little, and I do have emotions!" he says and I can hear a little laugh from him

"Mhm totally," i say sarcastically

"I do!" he says clearly laughing now

i laugh with him

"I have to go anyways i promised my friend I would hang out with her, but I promise I will come back and hang out with you later." i say as i start getting up

"If you don't come back you will be punished" she says smirking

"Then maybe I might not come back" I say smirking

"Oh really" he says smiling

I start laughing while putting on my clothes

"Who are you hanging out with anyways?" he asks

"My friend. why?" i say

"Who's your friend?" he asks

"I don't know if you know her or not her name is Bailey." i say tying up my hair

"B-Bailey?" he says stammering with a shocked face

I look at his shocked face "Are you okay?" i ask

"Ya, i'm fine just make sure not to tell her about us" he says

"Don't worry i won't" i say reassuring

"okay bye." he says

"Bye" i say as i head out the door

- -

I arrive at the three broomsticks and sit down with my butterbeer already on the table

"Oh you got my drink, Thank you" i say as i take a sip

"I'm dating Tom Riddle." she blurts out

i nearly choke on my drink.

"THE Tom Riddle?!" i say

"Yes THE Tom Riddle" she says mocking me

"Shit" i whisper to myself

"Are you okay?" she asks as she looks at my worried face

"I'm fine i just remembered that i have this thing with Lexi so i have to go, sorry and thank you."  i say as i get up.

"Oh um ok?" she says confused

"Bye!" i say quickly

"Bye?" she says still confused

- -

I'm pacing around my dorm with so many thoughts going through my mind. "Why would he cheat on her? She's amazing. she's kind, beautiful, smart and just overall amazing- my thoughts get interrupted by a knock at the door. I open it.

"What Riddle?" I say angrily

"She told you didn't she?" he says as he steps in

"Yes she did and i don't want to see you right now so please leave" i say angrily.

"Cmon Sarah please, I'll end it with her if i have to!" he says desperately

"No don't end it with her! she really likes you. i can see it in her eyes" i say

"But i don't want her. i want you." he says looking me in the eyes.

"Tom I'm sorry. whatever we had it's over now" i say trying not to cry

"Sarah please. Look me in the eye and tell me you want this to be over" he says coming closer to my face. "say it." he says as we are less than a inch away from my face. i can hear his heartbeat. i can hear his breathing.

"Tom i cant do that..." i say looking down at his lips and looking back up.

"Say it." he says

I try to say it but nothing comes out of my mouth.

"Exactly" he says pulling away from being so close to me.

"But you still have to stay with her. Please for me" I say

"Fine but I will wait. I will wait forever" he says

The Man Who Couldn't Love ~Tom Riddle Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now