Chapter 5 ~toms POV~

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It was the first time I saw her. Her beautiful hair and the way it blows in the wind, her hazel eyes that shine perfectly in the light, her soft hands when I caught her they fit perfectly into mine. But she's with Harry now. Harry is my enemy and I will stop at nothing to get that girl.

"oh shoot I forgot about class". he says in his mind. he rushes to class. I sit down behind Sarah. All I could think about was how soft her hair would be if I touched it, how soft her lips would be if they touched mine, how my hands would fit perfectly around her waist, how her hands would fit perfectly in my own- my thoughts were interrupted by Snape's voice.

"Lupin isn't here today so I am filling in," says snape in his slow voice "So turn to page 394 and read."

I turn the page and start reading but I can't seem to keep my eyes off Sarah and wanting to see her so badly I tugged her hair lightly. As she turns around I look her in her beautiful hazel eyes

"What's up," she says in a quiet voice so Snape doesn't hear

"Um can you help me with this word I don't know how to pronounce it," I say quietly

"Ya of course," she says. she tells me what the word is but I don't look at my notebook I keep looking at her I just can't take my eyes off her

the class ends and I bump into Sarah as I get up

"Sorry that was on me," she says nicely

"No it's fine," I say

she gets up and leaves but all I could think about was how soft her skin was when it touched mine and all I wanted was to feel that again. I leave the classroom.

I write in my diary "What is this thing I'm feeling? I can't stay away from her. I feel like she completes my father wouldn't like her though. she's mud blood. I can't fall for her. But I feel alone without her..." I put away my diary.

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