The End.

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"Dear Tommy

I know you hate it when I call you that but right now I'm allowed, I can't believe its already been 4 months since you have been gone, I didn't have the strength to get up off my bed and write to you earlier, I could barely move but Bailey, Lexi, and my mom were there for me the whole time, they helped me, they got me up to eat, shower, change, drink, and everything else.

I'm getting better but it still hurts a lot, I miss you so much, I would do anything to touch you or to smell you or to even look at you one more time, I would give the stars and the moon just to be able to say goodbye. 

I never wanted to kill you, when I heard I had to my heart ached, I wasn't ready to let you go, I don't think I'll ever be ready to let you go, you were the one for me, I've never loved anyone the way I love you, I just hope you'll be able to forgive me, if i didn't do it me and my whole family would've died.

God i miss you, i was supposed to hate you, but if i did hate you then why couldn't i keep away?  

People were cheering and bumping into me but how could anyone be happy if you were gone? 

I don't know who won, i don't care really, i just cared about you, people are telling me to move on, but i don't know if i ever will honestly. 

anyways i should stop writing because this letter is getting soaked by my tears, bye Tommy.

lots of love

Sarah Bear"

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