Part 10

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I have to tell Harry... but I can't he's gonna break up with me. I sigh loudly. I don't know what to do anymore. I should just sleep right now. completely forgetting about my test. I fall asleep.

~the next morning~

I wake up. I get dressed. Then I head to class and in the middle of the halls, I remembered. oh, shit my test! I forgot to study. I was too busy thinking about Tom... I have to get that guy out of my head. I still have like 20 minutes until my next class I can study for a second. I go outside and pull out my textbook underneath a tree.

"I thought you studied last night"

I look up and see Tom

"oh ya heh um I couldn't focus so I'm studying now," I said nervously.

he sits down next to me "truce?" he says

"A truce for what we never were mean to each other?" I say confused.

"Well I don't know I thought maybe we could be friends or I could always tell your boyfriend you kissed me," he says

I hit him gently and we both laugh "that's not fair!" I say laughing.

"it is to" he laughs.

"ok, fine truce," I say holding out my hand to shake his.

he shakes my hand. his skin was so soft. I snap out of it.

"you could stay here and watch me study like a creep or you could leave and let me study," I say

"well we have to give each other nicknames first," he says

"no way I do so bad with nicknames," I say smiling

"hmmm let me think. what's a good nickname for Sarah?" he says

"oh, I have a nickname for you!" I say

"ok what is it?" he says

"Tommy!" I laugh.

"No, absolutely not I hate it when people call me that" he sounds kinda annoyed now

I can't stop laughing.

"It's not funny!" he says holding in his laugh.

I laugh harder now.

he starts laughing and now we are both laughing under a tree.

I finally stop laughing "ok what about me?" I say

"I got a great idea," he says smiling

"what is it?" I say

"Sarah bear" he laughs

"That doesn't even make sense!" I try to hold back my laughter

"it does too!" he laughs.

"It does not!" I start laughing.

"But you are so not calling me Tommy," he says

"I'm calling you Tommy if you're calling me Sarah bear," I say crossing my arms.

"Fine," he says annoyed

I laugh.

"Ok but I really have to study," I say

"ok bye Sarah bear," he says laughing.

"bye, Tommy!" I say

he leaves and I continue studying. I look at my watch a couple of minutes later. oh shit, I have to get to class. I jump up and rush to class.

Hey guys! this is not part of the story. I just wanted to know do you guys actually like this story? should I keep it going? give me your honest opinion please and if there's something I'm doing wrong please tell me. Have a good day!

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