Chapter 12 (Decisions)

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Stiles POV-

"-Wake up-"

"Wake up!!"


My eyes snap open at the sudden stinging on my right cheek. Sweet baby jesus that hurt.

Why am I always getting slapped?

"Sir he's awake,"

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear other voices in front of me, but I could barely move my head to off my chest to look up. My whole body feels like it's on fire and I feel my hands bound tightly above my head. My shoulders jolt in pain at every little movement I make, it even hurts to breathe so I can definitely add broken ribs to my list. My bare feet are nearly numb where they rest on the cold concrete floor below me. Dried blood sticks to my brow there's also some on my lip and nose. 

Ugh. What the hell?

Someone's cold, calloused hand quickly wraps around my chin firmly and lifts my head up with a little too much force. I'm suddenly staring at a man who seems to be around my age looking me dead in the eyes. I see movement behind him and my eyes slide over just to see an exact replica? Twins, there twins my mind supplies.

To the left of the other twin is another older man with a woman at his side. I sigh, this can't be good. Oh and hello creepy basement, I think as I survey the dimly lit room.

My headache has definitely gone to a migraine now, causing my thoughts to be slightly jumbled. My vision is also slightly blurry. Probably a concussion.

"Hello Stiles," the mysterious man from across the room announces and the twin suddenly drops my chin. Though I manage to find enough energy to keep it up. He's being led by the women towards me and once he gets at least a few feet away I see his eyes fogged over, like a layer of dust covered them. The man is blind. My brow crinkles in confusion, what would a blind guy want with me?

I'm suddenly hit with a wave of panic as I finally recall the events from earlier. 

The crash. 

My dad. 

Where's my dad!?

"Who the hell are you. And where is my father?" I rasp out my voice a little shaky. 

The man in front of me nods his head at the closest twin and a solid punch is landed on my abdomen. My chest constricts painfully and I gasp as the breath is knocked out of me. I try to curl in on myself the best I could to relieve some of the pain. My eyes sting and unshed tears prick my eyes. 


"Now Stiles no need to get impatient, we just want to talk." The man calmly says.

It takes me a couple seconds to finally uncurl myself and take a couple of deep breaths, however all I mange is a couple pathetic wheezes. I eventually lift my head back up to look at the man, fury blazing in my eyes. Once he sees that I've finally managed to collect myself he continues.

He nods over to the woman by his side who smiles darkly at me, "this is Kali I'm Deucalion and you've met Aiden." He says and I just grunt. "-In the back is his brother Ethan." The twins just stare at me blankly, like dogs waiting for an order from their master.

"...Well it's very nice to meet you all especially the wonder twin up here, but if you don't mind I would really like to skedaddle. Not that I haven't enjoyed your company but um I really haven't." 

Aiden growls and flashes his eyes red but I just flash my right back. Before he could advance on me again, Deucalion just holds his hand out towards Aiden, a firm signal to stand down. I almost sigh in relief but I didn't want to give either of them that satisfaction.

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