Chapter Eighteen(Look to the Stars and Dream)

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I open my eyes expecting the pain, the constant and insistent pain that comes with waking up but there was none, there was nothing but a faint throb as I was forced to blink the dark spots from my vision.

Well...I'm alive...

It's dark in the room where I lay and cold, the cool metal under me makes me shiver and it's so familiar - so frighteningly so that I accidentally flail too much and fall sideways off the table onto my butt with a loud thud.

Smooth Stiles, smooth.

"Mr. Stilinski-"

I let out a small yelp in surprise, tensing when I hear a voice from the side of the table that I so graciously dismounted off of and I twist my body around to see Deaton standing there expectantly.

"Deaton?" I ask as I stand up to face him. "What happened? Why am I here?"

Which is a good question because no matter what happens I always seem to end up right back here. Every time.

He gives me a once-over and his lips curl at the corners resembling a small, pained smile. "Your doing better it seems," he whispers and I just nod - definitely not planning on telling him that I was cold and tired. Very tired. It was the first time I saw a genuine smile on his face and there was no way I was about to rain on his little parade, so I ignored the feeling and hunger pains and just nodded.

He exhales slowly and I can see that he's favoring his left side a little but I make no move to help him, he's always been a -I'll do it myself- type of person anyway.

"It's Derek."

As soon as he says the name I tense instinctively and I feel his stare but I don't move or say anything hoping he'll forget it and move on. And he does. "-I'm not exactly sure what happened but I was knocked out from behind, I didn't know why or who it was but I can only assume something must have happened to Derek."

Derek was here? I wasn't gonna lie and say I wasn't worried causing my fox to yip once in fear and panic in my head.

'Help Derek'

I rubbed my forehead hoping to quiet down his useless chatter. 'We are not doing this right now.'

My fox growled at me.'Help Derek'

'No, Kena.'


I was about to growl back when I felt Deaton take my hand and press something small into it making me jerk back at the touch, interrupting any angry thoughts directed at my fox.

He let go of my hand and tilted his head at the object which was a small container of clear liquid. "You were poisoned," he states the obvious. "However, while you were asleep I managed to create a small antivenom for the poison. It will halt the progress of it in your body but I have yet to discover a way to get it out of you."

I close my hand around the small vile and give him a shaky thank you but he holds his hand up before I can finish. "No need to thank me, Mr. Stilinski this is just a temporary fix. As soon as you run out," he taps the vile for effect. "That pain will come back and the poison will continue to spread slowly killing you in the process."

I can't help but let out a fond chuckle. "Way to fill me with hope, doc. I appreciate it though," I smirk and he smiles again.

Deaton returns to the counter pulling out a few strange items and sets them on the operation table. He looks me in the eyes briefly, his own softening with care. "Go save him, Stiles. And don't worry I'll be here working on a way to save you."

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