Chapter Twenty Five (Will You Be Broken With Me?)

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Warning: Violence, blood and eventual smut ;)

This chapter is also very long (only 13,075 words).


I'm dead. I'm definitely dead. My body feels floaty like there's a buzzing in my veins. How rad. I sit up with a groan and brush the dirt off my jacket.

I was back in the forest? What the fu-


Not dead apparently. I look over my shoulder to see the pack running at me, concerned marring all of their faces and Scott reaches me first.

"Oh my gosh! You're okay! Dude, your dads gonna be so glad we found you-"

My mind swirls and I rub my eyes like what I'm seeing is all a mirage. "Scott? What the hell are you doing here?"

I didn't mean to sound so brash because my best friend reels back like he's been hit; his sad puppy expression takes over.

"What do you mean, Stiles?" He looks back at the pack for guidance. "You ran out of the house after Derek left...that was like fifteen minutes ago..."

I stare at Scott like he just told me aliens have come to destroy the planet and take us all as slaves. Wouldn't that be cool? But no, instead Scott's looking at me like I lost my mind and I'm starting to think that maybe I have.

"So...I wasn't kidnapped?"

Isaac crouches next to Scott and rubs a hand up and down my cheek grounding me. "Kidnapped by who, Stiles?"


The werewolves growl and I jerk back in surprise. They immediately stopped and gave me matching sympathetic looks.

"I thought you killed Ennis? Wait, the Alpha pack?! They were here again?!" Scott shouts out the last part and practically checks me head to toe for other injuries, he makes a wounded noise when he sees my leg. A leg that no longer has a puncture hole from the steel trap. Now it just looks like I tripped and fell.

"Well yeah...I mean I think so-" I started but I wasn't able to finish because I began feeling overwhelmed with everything. They had me. The Alpha Pack had me in their clutches again I could have sworn!

Lydia shoves Scott over a smidge and cups my face in her hands, a concerned but soft expression greets me back, the complete opposite of Lyd's normal fierceness. "Stiles sweetie," she says and rubs a hand through my sweaty hair why I try to calm my breathing. "The Alpha Pack aren't here. I think you just had a bad dream."

A bad dream? No that can't be it, everything was so real. I moved away from them and stood up a little too quickly because I began to sway on my feet before Scott caught my arm and dragged me closer.

"Stiles just relax, we'll figure this out okay," he gave me a reassuring smile that did absolutely nothing for my nerves. I just wanted Derek. "-I think you probably fell on something and knocked yourself out."

Scott said something else but I couldn't hear anything over the roar in my ears. God, I was going out of my mind again and a trip to anywhere but Beacon Hills sounded very appealing right about now. But I really just wanted Derek.

Then it clicked.

I looked around frantically and grabbed onto Scott's forearm in desperation. "Scott, where's Derek!?"

He looked lost but answered anyway. I was for sure going to go crazy.

"He's...well we're not sure. Your dad went to look for him."

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