Chapter 3 (Fox)

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Stiles gasped as he sat up quickly in bed, covered in sweat. He struggled to catch his breath and panted harshly into the empty room, his dream still fresh in his mind. Scrarch that, nightmare definitely a nightmare...Stiles pulled the covers off and was hit with the cold temperature of the room but it felt good against his heated skin. The sun was barely above the horizon. Stiles assumed it was still pretty early in the morning, but at least he got some sleep. Thats better than nothing right? He moved quietly throught the house in hopes of not waking his dad. Now, he thought was definitely a good time for a run.

Stiles walked past the sheriffs department towards the forest. Autumn mornings were his favorite; there always seemed to be a crisp breeze that picked up the fallen leaves scattering them across the ground. Everything usually smelled of pine wood and evergreen. So yeah autumn was for sure Stiles favorite, besides spring of course. Can't forget spring.

He made it to the edge of the woods and stopped, admiring the stillness. There was a faint sound of crickets chirping and birds happily greeting one another. If he listened close enough he could hear the sound of animal feet, striking the ground as they move. Everything in the forest always seemed so calming and comforting especially to a fox. Stiles sprinted into the forest pushing his legs as fast as he could, when he gained enough speed he jumped in the air and shifted mid fall. Landing on the ground on all fours. Ah, being in his fox form felt good. Really good. He blended into the envornment and forest around him, he felt like he belonged. Then he started running...

-1 hour later-

Stiles sniffed around and trotted over to the edge of the small creek he found. The sun was just beginning to rise signaling that he needed to head back home soon. He didn't want to worry his father, although he would probably know where he's at anyway. Stiles layed down by the creek and stretched his paws out in front of himself, his energy from his run wearing off. The water moved gracefully in front of him and little ripples appeared on the surface. Stiles sighed and rested his head on his front paws.

Suddenly there were very faint voices sounding from across the creek and a strange smell filled the air. Stiles head snapped up at the sound, his body immediately going into a defensive position. In the distance Stiles could see a faint outline of bodies coming towards the creek and they were definitely not from around here. Stiles couldn't hear what exactly they were saying but he didn't think it mattered, Stiles finally placed the pecular smell. It was familar and he knew why. Those people were werewolves.

He finally pieced it together, they must be the pack from the letter! God he's such an idiot! Stiles ran as fast as he could away from the creek back through the forest. Hoping the other pack hadn't caught his scent. He needed to warn Derek and the pack as soon as possible. Stiles shifted back at the edge of the woods and started sprinting to the loft. (When he changes back he keeps his clothes on)


Derek-POV  (I promise I'll eventually do other POV's soon)

I was up early this morning my thoughts clouded by none other than Stiles. The skinny, sarcastic, annoying teen that I'd grown to like. Ugh. Why is my life so complicated? I headed to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee, Peter was already at the table sipping on his own cup. His eyes tracking my every movement.

"What!?" I snapped.

Peter smirked into his mug and just shrugged, looking away.

I quietly growled and went to pour myself a cup, I'm gonna need it...

"So how's our squishy human doing after last night," Peter asked looking me in the eyes as I sat down across from him.

"I'm not sure he was asleep when I got there."

Peter just nodded and went back to staring at the table. I huffed, he was being difficult again. However before I would ask him about what he said last night, I heard footsteps come up the loft stairs and there was a frantic knock at the door. Me and Peter just looked at each other with questioning looks, who would show up here this early? I stood up to go open the door Peter slowly following behind me. Just as I had opened the door, Stiles rushed through and came to a stop in the middle of the room facing me and Peter. Both of us looking at him curiously as he began to speak.

"Ok so I was on a run in the woods this morning, yeah I know its early but thats when I like to go. Anyway so I was on a run right? So I stopped by a creek to catch my breath and I saw the pack, you know the one from the letter, come up to me. I'm not sure if they caught my scent but I ran out of there as fast as I could here to warn you guys and-"

"Woah Stiles slow down, breath and relax" Peter instructed.

Stiles just nodded out of breath. He ran a shaky hand through his hair and stood anxiously in the middle of the room. While he said he was on a run, he doesn't seem to be breaking a sweat or anything. Sure he was winded but that seemed to be from talking to fast. Hmm.

"Ok Stiles just relax, you said you saw the pack from the letter out in the woods correct?" I asked stepping closer to him.

"Yeah but I'm pretty sure they didn't see me but I took a detour to get here just in case they were following me."

Peter and me just looked at one another, this isn't good. Sure we said they probably didn't want anything from us but Stiles seemed pretty shaken up about it. I nodded towards Peter and he guided Stiles towards the couch while I went to grab my phone to call the pack. We needed to be ready for anything.


Yep so this is chapter 3, hope you like. FEEDBACK is always appretiated! So I'm probably gonna post a new chapter everyday so stay tuned!! :)

-Your fellow sterek writter

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