Chapter Twelve (No Time Like The Present)

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Scott POV-

My shoulders felt heavy today. Something felt different and it made me on edge, I knew the pack could sense it once I walked into the school towards my locker where we all met, but none of them mentioned it.

I opened my locker and started pulling out my notebooks. "You ready for class Scott?" Danny said with a warm smile and I smiled back the best I could.

"Yeah totally."

Erica looks around the hallway before giving me a funny look. "Has anyone seen Isaac?"

Everyone shakes their heads and I just realized that he wasn't here, no wonder Erica was giving me a look I usually greet Isaac first since his locker is right next to mine.

Jackson sighs angrily, "can we get going I don't want to be late just because we're missing someone." Danny rolls his eyes and him and leads Jackson down the hallway.

I bid the others farewell and we started down the hall to our classes anyway. Allison, Lydia, and I had the same English class first period which was nice. It was a little awkward though having Ms. Blake - the same teacher who heard Isaac freak out in the storage room but Derek assured us she didn't see anything.

"Well I hope everyone had a good break, and now you're ready to start learning." Ms. Blake stated as she stepped into the classroom right as the bell rang. "Alright class if you'd all check your phones I sent you a text about the book we're going to begin reading this semester."

There were several beeps around the room from everyone's phones and Scott reached into his backpack to grab his and opened the text. On the screen, it displayed the last passage of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. As the teacher started to explain the meaning of the passage Scott looked over to his left to see Lydia just sitting at her desk simply staring straight ahead. Just as Scott was about to ask - Lydia looked over to him and shrugged, "I left mine at home."

Scott frowned but nodded to her and resumed listening to Ms. Blake. "-The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed sombre under an overcast sky - seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness."

Ms. Blake looked to us once she finished reading. "-Don't get too comfortable class, this will be the last time you use phones in the classroom so please turn them off now."

Everyone moved to put their phones away as she continued with the lesson but there was a sudden harsh knock on the door as the Principle walked in, simply handing a note to Ms. Blake before waving to us and heading back out of the room almost as quickly as he came. The teacher stared at the note a few seconds before clearing her throat and setting it on her desk.

"Scott McCall, you are excused from class."

I jerked my head up and felt eyes on me as I very slowly grabbed my bag and walked to the front of the room, briefly looking back to see Lydias' and Allison's confused gazes. I walked to the door and out to the hall before I heard Ms.Blake call my name.

"Scott a moments please." I turned around to face her and waited patiently. "-Scott I'm sure your mother had good reason to call you out of class. However, I'm very concerned that you're already missing the second day back of school, and I've looked over your history of absences and poor grades and I'm not sure you should be missing anymore."

Great just great.

"No worries Ms. Blake I'm really gonna use this year to focus more on school, I promise."

Ms. Blake was a little shocked at Scott's enthusiasm but nodded anyway, "It's alright Scott, I know this year has been anything but easy for you-" and before she could finish Scott turned away and headed down the hall quickly.

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