Chapter Twenty One(I'll Hold On for You)

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"Oh my god!"

"Derek what happened! Your bleeding-"

"Oh, Stiles!"

"Nothing, I'm fine, now get down here and help me!"

"Easy dear nephew, he's still breathing-"

"Deaton's. We have to get him back to Deaton's, he's far too pale."

"Relax, he's gonna be fine-"

"You don't know that! I-I can't let him get hurt again because of me."

"Derek no, that's not what-"



-Stiles POV-

My whole body was in pain, again. It's nothing new by now but you'd think that you wouldn't be able to feel it after so many times.


It hurts like a bitch every single time. Every time.

On the good side of things it wasn't as bright when I opened my eyes since now I usually expect to wake up in some insane asylum with half my foot missing for sure; nope not today - all feet and pinky toes are accounted for.


I turned to my left to see a blurry face right by my shoulder, my vision was still poor and my head was pounding insistently against my skull like it was being hit over and over with a hammer from the inside.

"Guys I think he's awake!"

Was I awake? Or was this another dream?

"Stiles, can you hear me?"

I wanted to nod but I was almost positive that nothing moved.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Relax, he just needs time to adjust."

Suddenly the pain I was feeling was reduced to a dull ache and my vision became clearer seconds later. Derek, my good ole' sourwolf was right in my line of vision and I reached a shaky hand out to touch, to make sure he was real since it sure as hell felt real.

But even in my dreams, there was pain so I never really knew.

He grabbed my hand as it was not even an inch of the table and my skin burned from where he touched me, a good burn I might add and his hands were warm and rough but it was comforting and he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles a few times. Like it was practiced like he had done it before.

"I'm here, Stiles, you're okay now."

I couldn't see his mouth moving but I heard his voice as clear as day and my fox took pity on me because he simply purred quietly in my head, mindful of the pain I was in. I looked down just in time to see black veins running up Derek's and under his shirt and I accidentally let out a broken whimper in shock.

Why was he taking my pain? He had to be in as much as I was, if not more.

"Easy Stiles. Shhh, I'm just trying to help."

My throat was dry and my lips were cracked - my tongue felt heavy from where it rested in my mouth. Talking was the last thing I wanted to do but I needed to make sure he was okay, that everyone was okay, it was my job.

"Derk'..." I whispered and forced my body to move up off the metal table, pain sprouted everywhere but I pushed it down and concentrated everything I had on moving.

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