The return of the convict

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The week after the Quidditch final was complete bliss. Every single Gryffindor seemed happier -- Amie had never seen Harry as care-free and happy before. Even the weather was celebrating; cloudless skies and the sun seemed extra bright. All everyone really wanted was to sit and soak the sun in, but the exams were approaching fast. They spent their days indoors, trying to focus. Even Fred and George could be seen doing homework -- they were in their fifth year, which meant they would take their O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizarding Levels). Meanwhile Percy, who was in his seventh year, was getting ready for his N.E.W.T.s (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests). Percy was like Hermione -- he wanted top grades. He was really edgy and gave harsh punishments to whoever disturbed the quiet in the common room. The only one more anxious than Percy was Hermione who was working constantly. They had all stopped asking her how she managed to get to all her classes, but then they saw her exam schedule.


9 o' clock Arithmancy

9 o' clock Transfiguration


1 o' clock Charms

1 o' clock Ancient Runes

"Hermione?" Ron said catiously. "Er -- are you sure you've copied down these times right?"

"What?" Hermione snapped, picking up the timetable. "Yes, of course I have."

"Is there any point asking how you're going to sit two exams at once?" asked Harry.

"No," Hermione said. "Have any of you seen my copy of Numerology and Gramatica?"

"Oh, yeah, I borrowed it for a bit of bedtime reading," Ron said, quietly so Hermione didn't hear.

"I think I saw it by the fire, Hermione," Amie said.


The first day of their exams, Monday the third of June, was Amie's birthday. Amie had strictly forbidden everyone to get her anything or celebrate in any way, due to the stress of the exams. She wanted everyone to be focused, and wouldn't allow anyone missing important study-time for her birthday. Instead, they would celebrate it along with the end of the year, nothing special or anything. So all Monday, she only got 'Happy birthday' wishes, and no gifts, which made her very happy, since her friends listened to her. But Fred and George didn't like it much, so they took her to the kitchens in the evening so she could get some birthday cake from the house elves. All in all, Amie liked her birthday very much, and she was looking forward to getting home and celebrating with her parents. You didn't turn fourteen every year.

Amie and the others had plenty of opportunities during their Care of Magical Creatures exam to talk to Hagrid, they only had to keep a Flobberworm alive for an hour.

"Beaky's gettin' a bit depressed." Hagrid told them, bending down and looking at Harry's flobberworm in the pretense of checking it it was still alive. "Bin cooped up too long. But still... we'll know day after tomorrow -- one way or the other --"

After that exam they had their Potions exam, which Amie thought went pretty well. Then they had Astronomy at midnight, and History of Magic Wednesday morning. That's the test Amie didn't think went so well, and the boiling temperature of the classroom didn't help either. After lunch it was time for Herbology. The sun was burning their necks the entire time, so they were very relieved when they could go back to the common room. Their second to last exam, on Thursday morning, was Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Lupin had set up an obstacle course for them. They had to cross a pool with a Grindylow, walk past some potholes with Red Caps in them, squish across a patch of march while ignoring the misleading directions of a Hinkypunk, then climb into an old trunk and battle a Boggart. Harry went first and got full marks. Ron did well until he got confused by the Hinkypunk and got stuck in quagmire. Hermione did great until the Boggart -- she ran out screaming.

Amie's World of Lies (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 3 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now