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Halloween came, and Amie went down to breakfast with her friends, looking forward to a day of shopping. Harry obviously seemed really down, but at least he tried to hide it. As they got closer and closer to the Great hall, Amie felt more and more nausea. The smell of pumkin was as strong as it ever was around Halloween, and Amie wanted to gag.

"Are you okay, Amie? You look a little green." Harry asked worriedly as they entered the hall. He seemed to have forgotten for a second about his own misery, and Amie smiled at him.

"I'm fine, Harry, don't worry. I'm just feeling a little bit ill, that's all." Amie said.

"Ill? Maybe you shouldn't go to Hogsmeade." Hermione said anxiously.

"I appreciate the concern, but there's nothing wrong with me. Haven't I told you that pumpkins make me sick?"

"I don't know, maybe you have." Hermione frowned.

"Why don't you like pumpkin?" Ron asked.

"Dunno. Must have been something when I was younger, I don't remember. For as long as I know I've hated the smell of pumkin. In a small amount I'm fine, but during Halloween --" Amie drifted off. Hermione, Harry and Ron just nodded sympathetically.

Harry grew more and more depressed the closer it got for Amie and the others to leave for Hogsmeade.

"We'll bring you lots of sweets back from Honeydukes." Hermione said, looking sorry for him.

"Yeah, loads." Ron said.

"I'm sure it's not all that special, Harry. Wish I could take pictures for you, though." Amie said.

"Don't worry about me," Harry tried to wave it off. "I'll see you at the feast. Have a good time."

Harry followed them to the Entrance hall, where the rest of the students going to Hogsmeade were. They were in a line and Filch was checking them off on a list to see no one sneaked out.

"Staying here, Potter?" sneered Draco, who was standing in the line. "Scared of passing the dementors?"

Harry ignored him, possibly because of Amie, and went up the marble staircase back to the dormitory.

Amie pulled a face to Draco, but she didn't say anything. She had decided that she didn't want their relationship to be bad because her boyfriend and her friends couldn't get along. Not that she could get along with his friends, but at least she didn't say mean things to them. Draco didn't react at all to her expression, he'd gotten used to it by now. But he did wink to her, and Amie giggled.

"What are you giggling about?" Ron frowned. Amie blushed.

"Nothing." she said quickly. Ron gave her a look that clearly stated that he didn't believe her - Amie rolled her eyes.

It took a while to walk to Hogsmeade, but it was worth the wait. The little village was really cute with lots of cottages and cabins here and there. Of course, since it was October, it was a little bit cloudy and rainy. Amie could only imagine what a vision it would be when there was snow on the roof tops.

"Amazing." Hermione said in astonishment.

"I agree." Amie said, just as mesmerized.

"Oh, come on." Ron said teasingly, dragging the girls from their thoughts.

"Where should we go first?" Hermione asked.

"Honeydukes," said Ron hastily. "Definitely Honeydukes."

"Oh, Ron, you're such a pig." Amie joked. Ron tried to glare, but started laughing instead. Amie joined him, and soon all of them was shrieking with laughter as they made their way to the sweetshop. People looked at them strangely, but they didn't mind in the slightest. Once inside Honeydukes they stopped laughing -- the candy made them stop and gape instead. Ron had been right, they really did have all sorts of sweets here. Ron was almost drooling as he went to look at the candy adoringly.

Amie's World of Lies (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 3 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now