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They didn't get  single word out of Harry as they made their way to Honeydukes so he could go back to Hogwarts through the tunnel in the cellar. When he left them, Ron and Hermione talked anxiously about what they had heard, and what Harry might do. Amie didn't join them in their conversation, she was just to caught up in her own thoughts. Sirius hadn't told her the entire story of what happened, he really sounded guilty when you put it like that. But she had now known him for too long not to trust him, she needed to talk to him about this.

"I'll be back for dinner, see you," Amie said to Ron and Hermione as they reached the Entrance hall. Hermione frowned at her, but neither of them said anything, so Amie ran out as fast as she could, down to the lake where she hoped Sirius would be. She looked around frantically, but she couldn't see him. And if she yelled out to him, anyone could hear, and she would be questioned about why she was yelling for a murderer. Suddenly Crookshanks showed up.

"Hey, Crookshanks," Amie said as she bowed down to pet him. Crookshanks looked at Amie wisely, as if telling her that this wasn't a time for petting. He then walked off, and Amie followed him, not sure why though. They came to the Whomping Willow, and Amie stopped far enough not to be slashed by the viscious tree. Crookshanks looked back at her, but didn't stop. He touched the trunk at the base of the tree, and then entered a hole there. Amie saw that the Willow was frozen, and Crookshanks seemed to want her to follow him, so that's what she did. There was a tunnel in the Willow, just like Harry had said. It was quite small, but so was Amie, so it wasn't too uncomfortable. Soon the tunnel went up, and Amie walked into what looked like an old abandoned house. The Shrieking Shack, Amie realized with a shudder. Crookshanks had moved over to the staircase to the second floor, and now sat watching Amie. When their eyes met, Crookshanks looked up, and Amie knew what he meant. She walked as quietly as she could upstairs, and opened a closed door. Inside was Sirius Black, laying on a ragged bed, in the same clothes he always wore. He was sleeping, and the lines that usually was on his forehead was gone. Amie thought he looked like a little boy, and was sorry that she had to wake him.

"Sirius," Amie said, shaking his shoulders. "Siri!"

Sirius' eyes snapped open, and he jumped up in shock, hitting Amie's head with his own.

"Ow!" Amie exclaimed, falling down on the floor and clutching her forehead with both hands.

"Amie!" Sirius yelled, rushing forward to see if she was seriously hurt or not. "Remove the hands, let me look at you."

When Amie put down her hands, Sirius carefully touched the little bump on her forehead.

"It's not too bad, but maybe you should sit for a while." he suggested.

Amie nodded, and moved over to sit on the bed.

"Can I get my wand back? You forgot to return it." Amie said.

"Oh -- of course." Sirius said, taking out the wand and handing it to her.

Amie's head was hurting a little bit, so she used the wand to make a glass appear, and she filled it with water and put it on the bump.

"Clever of you." Sirius praised, and Amie smiled a bit. "Did you come here for just your wand, or is it something else?"

"It's Harry," Amie started. "He's found out stuff about you that he didn't know before."

"What stuff?" Sirius said, narrowing his eyes.

"He only knew that you murdered those people, and was a servant of Voldemort." Amie said, making Sirius looked shocked at how easy it was for her to say the name.

"But, I --"

"No, I know it's not true, Siri, you don't have to say it. I just want you to think about what he now knows that he didn't know before." Amie said.

Amie's World of Lies (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 3 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now